I was walking along this morning at around 10AM, when I noticed a huge semi circular contrail, somewhere to the south of LAX. This is something I’ve never seen before. The weather was very well suited for contrails, and there were quite a few criss-crossing the sky.
Then about half an hour later I saw another one. Now it was really interesting. I hurried home to get my camera, but by the time I was home things had blown east a bit, and I was not able to get a very good shot.
You’ll have to take my word for it – it was very impressive. I’m hoping that people in the “chemtrail” community will also have seen it and will post some better photos, and I can update this post.
[UPDATE 12/4/08] Here’s one titled “A perfect circle”: 11/20/08 – “A Perfect circle in the morning”, taken by Bettina Gilois, Pacific Palisades, CA:
So what was it? Well, I went to the FlightAware web site and looked for planes that looked suspicious. I saw one flying over Catalina, with the call sign VooDoo1, so I looked at that, and bingo:
That’s the guy. The text next to the plane reads:
291 377
Which means it’s a B722, flying at 29,100 feet, speed 377 knots, and it took off from LAX and is going to land there. It’s still flying now, about three hours after I first saw it.
What is VOODOO1? It’s actually a plane owned by Raytheon, N289MT, a test plane that they use to test avionics equipment:
Here’s the satellite photo for the region in the map, showing the high level wispy clouds, and some contrails.
The photo was taken around noon, by which time the plane was no longer leaving trails. It’s quite possible it contributed to some of the haze over the the east.
UPDATE NOv 8th 2011 – It happened again.
This must be a somewhat regular occurrence. This time I was lucky enough to get a better shot, and to see the trails on the Aqua satellite image, which matches the first four circuits (one small in the south, and the others larger racetracks). The wind is obviously blowing from west to east.
How did they manage to make such a beautiful airplane like 727 look so ugly.
Nothing new to me, I see those kind of formations and weird looking chemtrails daily.. over my town, in Southern Cal..
rude dog, am I in the right place?
It seems to me, that all ” arguing” is senseless, as for me, I know what I see, and I can trust my common sense.
I know that what I see.. is neither anything ” normal” nor good.
What I notice most about people is, that they are in denial. They see it, but they look away.. because they don’t want to deal with the reality of it. Americans are like this… sad but true.
A sheepish people will end up with a wolfish government.. seems to fit here ! In the end it’s like this: We get what we deserve, because people are asleep. As for those who are not sleeping, we will have to suffer the same fate, because we all are sitting in the same sinking boat ;( It so sucks !
You don’t win your rights because somebody writes it down in a law, & you don’t lose your rights because somebody writes it down in a law. You win your rights by struggle & you maintain your rights by struggle.
Strikes in the past have brought about monumental changes in society & the government. Such as: the 8 hour work day, child-labor laws, woman’s right to vote & civil rights legislation
I was a jet engine mechanic in the US Navy for six years. Jets leave contrails or water vapor. I live in the midwest, near a very large USAFB. I noticed the jets leaving a grid pattern in the skies above me about two years ago. I will repeat, I NOTICED THEM about two years ago. I too, was so distracted by all the other bs, I didn’t see them. Maybe I did, but it didn’t register until then. Anyway, all I had to do was research and I found my answer. These are indeed chemtrails (as I personally have tasted “metal” after they spray) and I know they can use this platform to eliminate a BUNCH of people. They are doing this all over the world, too. It’s real, just research the material and decide for yourselves.
Hi Linda, perhaps you could provide some evidence to back up your claims?
If you only noticed these trails two years ago, then how do you know they are unusual. Even “chemtrail” theorists say they have been around ten years, and if you look into it, you’ll find records of long lasting contrails dating back to 1921.
So why exactly do you think these grids of trails are unusual?
Why would you taste metal after spraying?
The fact they linger for hours suggests they are still as high as when they were “laid”.
If, whatever it is in these trails (metal in this instance) is dropping out of the sky at a pretty fast rate then how does that account for the trail being different to a “normal” contrail? The trail is only different because it contains these chemicals, but these chemicals are not lingering, they are dropping, something else is lingering.
It just doesn’t make any sense!!!!!!
As soon as someone says “I trust my common sense”, there is no longer any point in trying to include them in a rational or logical conversation.
It was common sense that the earth is flat and the center of the universe, and that the sun heats our air directly…
Perhaps those who believe in their “common sense” should try reading a little deeper, discover the truth in sayings such as “tilting at windmills”.
-mm, ASEL
the more serious implications of contrails are not chemicals inside them but the reduction of the suns radiation getting through them on major flight chanels. can cause cooling in that area so if we were to reduce the amount of planes in the sky you would notice an increase in temperature.
Maybe – it depends on several factors. Note you’d also have a slight reduction on CO2 emission, which might result in a decrease in temperature. Do contrails offset the effects of global warming? Would we be better off with no contrails? It’s a complicated picture – and one which many people are studying. Here’s an interesting image that shows the net effects (warming or cooling) of various factors, note the contrail effect is very small compared to other factors.
The image comes from the IPCC report “Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”:
http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html (Section 2)
your misinformation site needs to be dismantled
poppa, since you’re certain this is a disinformation site, I have two questions for you. Unfortunately, you won’t answer #2, no chemtrailer ever does.
1. Please state what you consider to be “disinformation” on this site (and why please).
2. What are the visual and behavioral differences between persistent contrails and “chemtrails”.
Suntour —
May I address your question by asking another question?
What if scientists cloned an animal — say, a sheep — and in almost every respect, that sheep looked like natural sheep, but it had some differences which observant people could point out.
Like, the hair was just a bit more coarse, or the behaviour was a little off, or it didn’t live quite as long . . . etc.
When there is a fine line between the real sheep and cloned sheep, it would be difficult to argue with people who insist that it is one or the other.
With chemtrails, obviously they look like normal contrails, and they are not colored fuscia, or made of taffy. No, they look like vapor trails.
But . . . what we have all noticed is that:
a. They are bigger, longer, dirtier, and drippier than any contrails we are familiar with
b. There are far more of them
c. They have been laid out with seeming purpose by unmarked planes flying in irregular patterns, and in military formations and with seeming precision
d. They do not just linger and form wispy clouds — they spread like a web and form dense, polluted looking clouds, and this seems to affect our weather, our skies, and possibly our health
e. They have been noted by people all over the world as an anomaly
f. They correspond to possible existing military programs which would use aerosol spraying in conjunction with weather modification and directed energy programs
g. Some people get sick when the spray is extremely heavy
h. Some people can taste the chemicals in the spray
I could go on about the other attendant phenomena witnessed around chemtrails, but I”m at work and I’d better get off . . .
You wrote:
“a. They are bigger, longer, dirtier, and drippier than any contrails we are familiar with”
*Not true- the trails are identical to those that have been observed for 40 years…just the small sample of photos on this website prove that. Just because YOU and others do not remember contrails like this does not make it so…plenty of others claim much different
“b. There are far more of them”
more than when? …but true…there are a lot more planes flying now than 40, 30, 20 years ago….5000 planes in the sky over the US at any given *moment*! Also, engine design has changed such that they produce more persistent trails over a wider range of parameters…research “contrail factor”.
“c. They have been laid out with seeming purpose by unmarked planes flying in irregular patterns, and in military formations and with seeming precision”
*Irregular patterns…isn’t that a contradiction in terms?
Flight paths in this country are laid out in very organized ways to avoid collision…multiple planes flying through conditions ripe for persistent contrails can leave multiple trails that “seem” organized…and they are…flights paths cross all the time…easily leaving a “grid” of persistent contrails…
Can you REALLY identify a plane that is 6-10 miles away…especially with the light scattering effects of the atmosphere…??
Is every military plane by definition “spraying” something? or are they also subject to the science of the atmosphere in regards to persistent contrails?
“d. They do not just linger and form wispy clouds — they spread like a web and form dense, polluted looking clouds, and this seems to affect our weather, our skies, and possibly our health”
“seems”….again with that word.
They most certainly affect the skies as they are producing cirrus clouds where there were none before…
That persistent contrails can affect the weather is a major question- actively being studied by scientists all over the world…(do the research)
however, there is absolutely NO correlation of any scientific merit that correlates the existence of persistent contrails to one’s health….or even any anecdotal evidence that would suggest it is even worthy to study. Given the nature of Fall Rates and the efficacy of saturating a population by “spraying” something 7 miles overhead, you are FAR more likely to have your health affected by sources of contaminants much closer to you…and the ground.
When people see a trail overhead and say they feel the effects on their health…they are under the impression that that trail will fall straight down upon them…IF the contents ever did touch the ground (which is not a given) it would be 100s and 1000s of mile away…
“e. They have been noted by people all over the world as an anomaly”
by people who are under the internet driven belief that ” contrails dissipate- chemtrails don’t” …and thus setting themselves up for incorrect conclusions.
“f. They correspond to possible existing military programs which would use aerosol spraying in conjunction with weather modification and directed energy programs”
*Incorrect!! I implore you to show one military operation in this country that uses persistent contrails as medium for weapons delivery….(much less globally as this is a global phenomenon)
cloud seeding, hurricane mitigation, radar jamming etc…none of that uses persistent contrails at 35k feet as its delivery method.
(how do you reconcile the fact that “chemtrails” are viewed globally but are also supposed to be a secret US military operation….??)
“g. Some people get sick when the spray is extremely heavy”
People get sick every day!!! some get sick when there is no “spraying”
Some people get sick on days I wear my red shoes…
“h. Some people can taste the chemicals in the spray”
*What? how do they know what they are tasting?? and Where it came from?? And how do they correlate the taste with a specific trail?? Again, this is where knowledge of the atmosphere, behavior of particulate matter etc…come into play…Where is the logic? reasoning? Scholarship?? Clue???
Surely if this were true, then there would be photographic evidence of this? Specifically some new types of contrail that had never been seen before?
Now before you try to produce some, have a look at this book, published in 1972, which has many photos of different types of contrails. From what I’ve seen of “chemtrail” photos and video on the internet, all of them are represented here.:
There are even explanations as to how things form, such as the “dripping” clouds.
Stop with the map and start with the dictionary.
Well, you did answer my second question and I appreciate that. Since SR1419 and Uncinus addressed your answer much more eloquently than I ever could, I’ll take on your cloned sheep example.
Internet person 1 – “Check out this picture of a sheep…it looks a lot different than when I was a kid. Sheep used to have much more hair than this and they used to be taller!”
Internet person 2 – “yeah, back when I visited a hobby farm, the sheep there had big full coats, and when I stood next to it, it seemed pretty tall!” “Sheep these days are a lot shorter and thinner!”
Internet person 3 – “I heard that the government has been slowly integrating cloned sheep into the breeding population.”
Internet person 4 – “I’ve noticed the wool sweater I bought the other day makes me itch a lot more than the wool sweater I had as a kid, I wonder if the clone wool is the difference?”
Internet person 2 – “Now that you mention it, my wool sweater is making me itch too…hmm you might be onto something there…I’m developing a rash on my back”
And so it goes…cloned sheep are the next “chemtrail”. Farmers are in on the deal because they’re making more money buying the cheaper “cloned” sheep, textile manufacturers are in on the deal because the cloned wool has been “modified” to make their machines run faster etc etc…
You could do the same thing with:
Boat Wakes being different wavelengths than you remember.
Shadows being darker or lighter than you remember.
The Moon being brighter/darker than you remember.
Ad nauseam
Anything that relies on recollection and doesn’t have any actual specifics or numbers attached to it could fall victim to the same fate that contrails have. The problem is, Science will prove all of these beliefs wrong, but the believers will still poo poo it as “disinfo”.
Interesting coincidence that Raytheon is involved in another harmless atmospheric research facility known as HAARP.
No matter how anyone looks at this whole situation the fact remains that there are Trails in the sky made by Jets and this is, in my opionion very disturbing I have always looked up at the sky since a child and have lived in Southern California admiring the beautiful blue skies my family always said I always had my head in the clouds which has always been a true fact lol. The other day I met a man in his late 70’s we started to talk about the weather wich lead to the trails in the sky He mentioned that the trails had been around since the 60’s but not as much as now He was disturbed by what is happening now from what He related to me.In Conclusion Unfortunately all I see now is these Jets flying consistently and creating these trails that diminishes us from experiencing the Beauty of the Blue skies over Southern California.
I agree to some degree. It can be viewed as a form of visual pollution, and there is some effect on the weather via radiative forcing. So it’s certainly not all good.
The vast majority of people seem rather indifferent to contrails. I think that’s because, as things go, there are far worse things to worry about.
Still, you are certainly not alone:
from WIKI:
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) is a major American defense contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations in defense systems and defense and commercial electronics. It was previously involved in corporate and special-mission aircraft until early 2007.
Raytheon is the world’s largest producer of guided missiles.
Established in 1922, the company reincorporated in 1928 and adopted its present name in 1959. The company has around 73,000 employees worldwide and annual revenues of approximately US$20 billion. More than 90 percent of Raytheon’s revenues were obtained from defense contracts and, as of 2007, it was the fifth largest defense contractor in the world, and is the fourth largest defense contractor in the United States by revenue.
Raytheon Headquarters was moved from Lexington, Massachusetts to Waltham, Massachusetts on October 27, 2003. The company was previously headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 1922–1928, Newton, Massachusetts from 1928–1941, Waltham from 1941–1961, Lexington from 1961–2003, and back to Waltham from 2003 onwards.
Open your eyes and you shall see…
Open your Mind and you shall learn:
watch this video:
I did watch it, and I’ve raised several issues with it. See:
I can relate to your interest, we have much in common, I watched this video in full, and this is right from the US Government:
[] I wondered why I see AIR CANADA [ continuously for about 4 years now ] flights weekly leaving ‘persistent contrails’ and white skies several days a week in this area, and their flight paths listed as “HAARP1” see for yourself by going to:
[] HERE’s a Link:
If you zoom in on the map, you will see the flight path called “HAARP” right next to “New Caanan [ Connecticut]” on the “AVIATION SECTIONAL” view of the map. Interesting name?
*Try it your self, I don't own Photoshop… :+\
Great website and sincere work, Thanks for sharing your talents.
HAARP is an “intersection”, which is basically a point in the sky used for navigation. The names are chosen to be pronounceable or memorable, and usually have some local significance.
HAARP1 is the HAARP ONE ARRIVAL, an approach pattern planes take for landing at La Guardia. where the last turn into final approach is at HAARP
You see lots of Air Canada planes because lots of planes from from Canada to the US.
Hey!! We use that arrival in our training. I never put two and two together but now every time I fly it I’ll think of those evil chemtrails.
I’ve updated the post with a new Voodoo1 sighting from today.
I usually tend to consider conspiracy theories as plausible because conspiracies do exist but chemtrails make no sense to me.
If chemtrails’ objective was to kill people or make them sick there are better more efficient ways of doing it. Water distribution for instance, viruses and diseases in general, war. Come on Chemtrail’s objectives can’t be the extermination or alienation of random people.
We see contrails all the time, if they were chemtrails did it mean that commercial flights were dropping chemicals on us? Or would it mean that there are hundreds of military planes flying around spraying chemicals on us? I live in Portugal and we don’t have the refueling airplanes USA has and I see contrails almost everyday, if they were chemtrails who would be responsible for them? The portuguese air force? The only big planes we’ve got are the P3 Orion and the HC-130 Hercules. Of course they could be refitted but I just don’t see it as likely.
If there are chemtrails they are likely to aim at weather modification experiments at specific areas and not throughout the whole world 24/7 like the chemtrail community claims. These chemtrails would be so rare that almost no one would see them and planes would probably fly during night time. Or they could support HAARP spraying stuff in sky in, again, specific areas of our skies to make it more efficient for it’s ionosphere communications project thing, if that’s the only thing about HAARP.
I am sincerely way more worried about haarp than about chemtrails. I tried to believe in chemtrails but there is more evidence that they don’t exist that there is evidence that they exist and I’m not going to believe in things that are unlikely to happen until there is proof they really happen.
But why did you TRY to believe in chemtrails in the first place? I think that’s half the problem- people want to belive so badly that thier desire for conspiracy clouds thier judgement. I think the x-files back in the 90’s was all about this phenomenon. When you want to see aliens they’re there.