Well, it looks like the cat is out the bag. The secret government has slipped up and allowed the release of a History Channel special that spills the beans on the whole Chemtrail program!
Several clips from this show are available on youtube:
The unfortunate thing about the show is that, regarding “chemtrails” it’s all theory and zero facts. Far from “validating” any chemtrail theory, the show simply repeats the theory. What’s more it’s basically just a platform for William Thomas to repeat the same nonsense he’s been spouting for the last ten years, totally ignoring both science and common sense. For Example:
Thomas: I think most of us in North America have been wondering about these plumes criss-crossing the sky in grid patterns, rows, and the now-familiar X’s, and many of us have wondered what these trails are.
Well, actually no – most people don’t wonder what these plumes are. And for those that do, we know EXACTLY what they are. They are contrails. This has been explained time and time again, with vast amounts of scientific and historical evidence behind the explanation. What evidence does Thomas give? None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
In fact, Thomas’s entire theory is based on a simple misconception that he continues to repeat over and over, totally ignoring all evidence to the contrary. He claims that “normal” contrails vanish in a few seconds, and that “chemtrails” last for hours. This is demonstrably untrue. Contrails last for a varying amount of time based on the weather at the altitude they form. They can last for hours, and spread out to cover the sky. Any book on clouds will tell you this, and spreading contrails have been observed since 1921.
Yet Thomas manages to get his nonsense into the show:
VO: They first appear to be simply contrails, coming from high flying jet airplanes. But these trails linger in the sky for many hours, some for even an entire day, forming an artificial cloud
It seems that, like Thomas, the writers of the show chose to ignore the fact that THIS IS WHAT CONTRAILS SOMETIMES DO!!
You simply need to read the Encyclopædia Britannica article on vapour trails (contrails):
Contrail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear, cold, humid air. It forms upon condensation of the water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in the airplane engines. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last for several hours. The trail may be distorted by the winds, and sometimes it spreads outwards to form a layer of cirrus cloud.
vapour trail. (2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved May 4, 2007,from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9074829
Or read “A Field Guide to the Atmosphere“, by Schaefer and Day, 1981:
“Sometimes [contrails] are ephemeral and dissipate as quickly as they form; other times they persist and grow wide enough to cover a substantial portion of the sky with a sheet of cirrostratus“ (Page 137)
Or read, all these articles on contrails. In particular the one titled “Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects on the Thermal Radiation Budget“, from 1970:
The spreading of jet contrails into extensive cirrus sheets is a familiar sight. Often, when persistent contrails exist from 25,000 to 40,000 ft, several long contrails increase in number and gradually merge into an almost solid interlaced sheet.
Contrail development and spreading begins in the morning hours with the start of heavy jet traffic and may extend from horizon to horizon as the air traffic peaks. Fig. 1 is a typical example of midmorning contrails that occured on 17 December 1969 northwest of Boulder. By midafternoon, sky conditions had developed into those shown in Fig. 2 an almost solid contrail sheet reported to average 500 m in depth.
Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects on the Thermal Radiation Budget
Peter M. Kuhn
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 27, Issue 6 (September 1970) pp. 937–942
The History Channel is an entertainment channel, pure and simple. They do shows on UFOs, Psychics, Ancient Astronauts, etc, all without any real pretense of being scientifically objective. They want an entertaining story, and if that means ignoring the facts, and interviewing on the people with the most entertaining theory.
I’m sorry that “It’s just Contrails” is a boring theory. But it’s the only theory that actually has ANY science behind it.
Evidently most people don’t share your opinion though – contrails have been doing this for decades, there has been some concern, but the general public is not too bothered.
I’m a big fan of regular clouds too, and if you are then you might want to join this:
Note though, that they include contrails.
Hey brett- I hope you like driving for hours and hours next time you want to get somewhere far away. If you want to ban persistant contrails you’ll have to ban airplanes and if you don;t believe me you’re an idiot.
And that would increase your REAL pollution TENFOLD, as all the SUVs, buses and trains take up the slack.
Brett, you need introducing to a CLUE.
What i document daily …Is Blatant solar radiation Management , as described in the Parliament UK document realesed by the Science Committee March 18 2010 Westminster . A milky white layer being formed by continuous tactical spraying that eventually covers the sky . Its obvious . The disinformation monkeys so abundent in this subject are just ‘ shit ‘ at their job . Borderline pathetic cowardly NWO monkey’s .
The argument and the cries for evidence are just bullshit conversation designed to satisfy the scared sheep . much like the left right paradime in our political system today . Distraction nothing more .
Give me 5 minutes with a 50 calibre and i’ll show you some evidence . You see , even your pilots are shit ! Dependent solely on the dumb confused sheep not looking up .
But contrails have always done that. What’s changed? What evidence it there that SRM is being used anywhere in the world?
Why would they be doing it in secret, and talking openly about it at the same time. That does not make sense.
Your evidence consists of shooting things? Can’t you provide some ACTUAL evidence? You say you’ve been documenting something daily. Can you post that documentation to help support your case?
“formed by continuous tactical spraying that eventually covers the sky”
I see no evidence of any such thing. And yes, evidence IS important. What you “think” you see, and what you are actually seeing could be two different things.
Wow, I’ve been called many things before but never a sheep. Bahhh…. I wish I knew where he lived- I’d spray extra over his house!!!
R Freeman
abundent – abundant
monkey’s – monkeys
paradime – paradigm
Give me 5 minutes with a 50 calibre – You’d only need a single shot
dumb confused sheep – it’s a pity you write in such a confused state, why don’t you stop “documenting” UNTIL you learn anything?
Psst. Try a library and look up the physics of the atmosphere, thermodynamics, combustion. Also I think you should take a quick course on the properties of the planet. Pay especial attention to the size of its atmosphere and oceans.
daily sundogs in my never clear sky. Iam writing this as I watch the aerosol campaign outside my window.
Are you blind faithinscience…….chem trails aren’t happening, Monsanto is good, chemo therapy helps fight cancer, big pharma’s only interest is to help heal people!! I feel sorry for you!!
If chem trails are so fake explain why two similar aircraft in the same airspace leave different trails. I have watched this happen on many an occasion. One leaves a contrail and the other that just happens most of the time to be a white unmarked aircraft leaves a thick chem. Trail. Now surely if both are relatively close and approximate height then both should leave a similar trail if your conclusions are correct. By the way the best place to hide something is in plain open view, think about it lol. The other condemning aspect is that the aircraft leaving the thick everlasting trail painting a blue sky white is usually not on a designated flight path. You dismiss chem. Trails too easily because the books tell you this is the answer, now I have been on this planet for fifty three years and I have never witnessed skies like we now have, I have always worked outdoors so I am familiar with looking at the weather.
Actually its not books- it just basic physics….water vapor freezes into ice, the ice persists or dissipates depending on ambient conditions…its been observed for 70yrs. Its been observed on the ground, in the air and replicated in a lab. Anyone can verify it for themselves.
The atmosphere is not a uniform, static environment. Its moves like a fluid and thus has ares of varying conditions. Why are there clouds in spot but not another?
2 planes could simply be 1000 feet apart in altitude and be in different ambient conditions. All it takes is a few degrees diff in temp or a few % change in humidity to change the characteristic of the trail…
Even different engines have different trail parameters.
See here for Uncinus’ detailed analysis of this question that continues to perplex chemtrail devotees:
What is a designated flight path? According to Capfitch- pilots can choose their own path from point A to point B….Is that correct?
Yes sir- you are correct. We can and do choose the path we take from point A to point B all the time. Again- there IS NO SUCH THING as a “designated flight path” per se. Yes- we have jet routes and victor airways and arrivals and departures but we also have shortcuts, reroutes, turns off of course for weather, traffic etc. We all have GPS now so we can and often do go from point A to point B without even using charted routes. People who use this argument are instantly less credible because it shows their lack of understanding of even basic modern aviation principles.
Lol lol. Ok I am not a pilot and do not pretend to be. But do you honestly want people to believe that jet airline pilots can do what they want lol. light aircraft daylight flying uk do have a bit more freedom in that they can fly lets say around a lake so that they can enjoy the view but the larger aircraft have to abide by rules . This along with the designated approach to an airport is normally a repetitive path. http://natscareers.co.uk/docs/test_materials.doc
This link explains this point.
Now I do not know where you are but here in Edinburgh uk aircraft normally fly a certain route and at certain times again repetitive unless lets say they have repairs on at the airport or a large thunderstorm then they are diverted .the aircraft that do the spraying are unusual in that they do not conform to the norm and only appear occasionally then follow a pattern then leave. Commercial jets flying through the trail not above or below do not leave a similar trail. Ok we have different makes and size of engine but they all emit exhaust so should leave similar trail even though emitting a different quantity of exhaust. If you can only resort to ridicule as a defence for your argument then I suggest you do not get into arguments. Now as stated I have always worked out side and have never witnessed the type of skies we now have and yes they had jets in those days lol.
Planes landing and taking off from an airport fly very precise and consistent routes. I see that all the time in LA, planes in the exact same positions in the sky as they go in and out of LAX.
However, those are NOT the planes that leave contrails. They are too low.
Planes that leave contrails above you are usually travelling to and from airport that are hundreds (or even thousands) of miles away from you. By the time they get to you they have made many course deviations for various reasons (weather and traffic being the most common), and are no longer on a pre-defined route.
When people say a plane is flying a pattern, they frequently are mistaking multiple jets flying in oposite directions for a single jet flying back and forth.
What year did you first notice this “type of sky”? Do you have any photos or video that illustrate this?
Not true. You need to read this, which was previously linked.
I don’t feel I’m using ridicule as a defense. I was simply stating that unless you have even a basic knowledge of how the airspace system works you can’t use the “designated flight pattern” argument that I so often see.
And I’m amazed that you have chosen to argue about aviation with a person whose lifelong profession is aviation when you yourself admit you are not a pilot. By the way- how’s Edinburgh doing today? What approaches are they shooting? What arrivals are they using?
And you say there are jets that travel through the trails that leave different trails? What are the EGTs of all the jets? How about even the general power settings? Anti-ice on or off? Nacelle heats on or off? You are obviously so knowledgeable about the specifics you must surely know that info as well.
Again you’re shooting your self in the foot. Your excuse that it is down to different engines or newer engines again hold no water by the site you directed me to. In the site there are claims of contrails back as far as before ww2, this indicates to me that even prop aircraft leave contrails, now if this type can produce such phenomena then surely engines in the seventies and eighties would produce contrails and we should have had similar skies to what we are now experiencing. This is the part that is bugging me. Why the massive increase. Why are they always following a pattern, they start by forming the St Andrews cross then continue on to the hash symbol , it is repetitive only when we get the influx of aircraft that normally do not use the airspace above us. It is easy enough to claim it is water vapor but have you tested the air above Edinburgh when we allegedly get chem. Trails, no you haven’t but because contrails are real and proven you automatically assume that this is what they are. Until air tests are carried out to prove different by both parties then we will never know for certain what is really happening. I have just finished repairing my camera so the next time it happens I will film it from start to finish, it has an excellent digital zoom that will allow a close steady view of the aircraft responsible so when you get a chance to see what I am seeing I will expect an honest reply using your expertise .
The different types of engines leaving or not leaving contrails is just basic science. You can google “contrail factor” if you want to get the details. It’s only one small part of the reason why there are more contrails today. The main reason is the huge increase in air traffic since the 1970. They had similar skies then, but with 1/4 the traffic it was less notable. Remember most people don’t even notice it now.
Or perhaps when you can SEE those planes. If they don’t leave trails, then how can you see them. The same planes fly over every day. If they leave trails, and hence if you can see them, depends on the weather at the altitude they are flying.
The cross then the hash pattern is quite simple. You are at the rough intersection of some international routes. The wind at that altitude is usually above 80 mph. Two planes fly along, and they leave a cross. Two more fly along 15 minutes later, the trails have been moved 20 miles by the wind, so you get a hash.
If you live anywhere that planes cross paths, you get the hash. Sometimes there’s a lot more traffic in one direction, so you get an H or –|-|-|–|—, or just a lot of parallel trails (that’s what I get here, occasionally crossed by planes going to Hawaii).
Contrails are water. These trails look exactly like contrails. So what is the evidence that says they should be tested? Would you test the Queen to see if she was a lizard, just because some people claim that she is. I think people would need a bit more evidence.
I look forward to it.
Don’t zoom in too close to those planes. You might accidently see some commercial markings.
“Would you test the Queen to see if she was a lizard, just because some people claim that she is?”
Hilarious!- thanks for the chuckle.
Annon- Have you seen this page and video? Can you see how there might be some Xs and grids if contrails persisted?:
I would respectfully like to add my name to list of reasonable scientists posting on this useful site. I proudly stand alongside Uncinus, JazzRoc and Suntour. I’m glad someone has presented all of the discussionon one site (the need for the existence of which I can’t help but sometimes feel as unfortunate)
Stay informed.
Thanks very much for a very informative and time saving mythbusting site! When wild-eyed people feverishly ask me “What I think of the chemtrail conspiracy” (!) I can cheerfully point them to this excellent compilation and get on with my life…
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” (Phillip K. Dick)
“It is easy enough to claim it is water vapor but have you tested the air above Edinburgh when we allegedly get chem. Trails, no you haven’t but because contrails are real and proven you automatically assume that this is what they are. Until air tests are carried out to prove different by both parties then we will never know for certain what is really happening.”
ther is a known cause for contrails.
It is up to people who think they are somethign other than the water vapour that they have been since the 1910’s to prove that htey are something else.
You should ask yourself why they do not test them to show us all, once and for all, incontroversially, that they are something other than what they were 60 years ago – when tehy admit that contrails were jsut engine exhaust.
It seems simple enough – why do the hoaxers not do it?
Until tehy do I am going to stick with teh weight of evidence from atmospheric science, basic physicsd physics, lack of any whistleblowers, lack of any equipment ever shown to be used for the purpose, etc., and call the whole chemtrail story a hoax.
Because that’s all it is – a hoax.
In regards to chem trails how do you or anyother naysayer dispute the high levels of aluminum, barium and strontium found throughout the world where heavy chem trail sightings have been observed. Watch the Documentary: “What In The World Are They Spraying?” It was just released. Are all the scientists here and around the world lying? And if it isn’t chem trails releasing these metals into the environment then what is?
jim – see https://contrailscience.com/what-in-the-world-are-they-spraying/
The DVD is rubbish.
The repeated claims of high levels of various things are rubbish – moreover since they are known to be false anyone still claiming them is now a liar ratehr than just being misguided.
The hoax has got you – sorry about that.
Jim, I have had a few conversations with G Edward Griffin, one of the people behind the “what in the world are they Spraying” farce, who told me that NO experts were consulted in the making of that video. He told me that no one who has been influenced by “the government” can be trusted to give truthful information. Not a single atmospheric scientist or meteorologist was consulted for that video. Do you understand what that means?! It’s NOT a “documentary” at all! It’s a video about (uneducated) opinions and (paranoid) speculation. Pure ignorance!
Don’t you think that excluding experts on the subject that you are making a video about seems a bit odd?! I sure do! I surely can’t refer to it as a “documentary”.
doc·u·men·ta·ry (dky-mnt-r)
1. Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
I’m focusing more on the second definition. The use of the word “facts” negates the ability for “What in the World are they Spraying” to be referred to as a documentary.
Not only that, but the (ridiculous) claims that are made about certain elements being found in unusual places, at unusual quantities, are based on their (uneducated) opinions, not fact. Not a single geologist was consulted in the making of that video. Why?! For the same reason! They don’t need no stinkin’ (tainted) experts in the fields to consult! They “know” it all, right?! Nope, everything in that video has been previously debunked with just a little research. It’s pure nonsense created by ignorant (and paranoid) conspiracy nuts. Please, give me ANY point from that silly video, and I’ll show you evidence that easily shows that these folks didn’t do their homework!
Isn’t it funny how they “believe” that EVERY person who has ever studied the atmosphere is somehow tainted by the “NWO” (or whoever). Do these people actually “believe” that once someone decides that they want to study the atmosphere, they become card carrying members of some evil group who has nothing better to do than to spread lies about the atmosphere?! It’s absolutely absurd (and VERY paranoid)…and so is that ridiculous video.
Yes, I understand that to the layman, this video is quite provocative. It HAS to be for it to make money. A fool and their money are soon parted. Look at Mr G Edward Griffin’s website and notice the advertising. The man is USING the gullibility of others to make money. In my mind, that makes him a scumbag. Just my personal opinion.
I,as a life long sky watcher, or you might say, a guy with his head in the clouds so to speak, have noticed a significant change in the way the sky looks over the last decade and a half. I’m 41 and really started noticing the last 10-15 years how incredibly monstrous the daily contrail caused clouds have become. This did NOT happen on a regular basis before, It didn’t. Period. No amount of still pictures, although very nice, will suffice to convince me otherwise, WW2 era or not!. I believe contrails, the regular kind, could of course turn into clouds on a RARE basis, or if the air is REALLY filled with particulates and there is no rule to say they must dissipate immediately. But this total white-out happens almost every day now. A full out major blot out of the sun. Global dimming is a real phenom,no? If so, this all IS a problem whether it is “natural” or part of a nefarious plot. We have two conlusions here and both are big problems. These are regular contrails and they are routinely blotting out the sun on a daily basis..OR, these are chemical sprays by the government. The thing i find most irritating about this site is the insistence that it was “always” this way, nothing new is being observed, and the conspiracy theorists only “think” it is new because a web site told them something scary was going on. I still have not been able to find a video from the 1970’s or 80’s of the type of massive contrail cloud covering criss-cross patterns i see in Philadelphia every day. Or the ones I saw in NYC when i lived there, or the ones I saw in Minneapolis when I lived there. When I was growing up and into my teens and through college the sky was never a grid of white criss-cross patterns that ALWAYS turned into cloud cover. Now, when i awake to a nice blue sky with beautiful Cumulus “Simpson’s” clouds, I am overjoyed…just rarely happens now. So…go on and find me video, NOT still pics of vintage super 8 film of the types of spider webs we see almost every day around here. The meteorological PDF’s are find and dandy. I read them. I get it, Contrails SOMETIMES become clouds. There are thousands of chemtrail sky vids on the net, not to 5 obvious straw men vids you debunked. Show me one from the 60’s or 70’s. People WERE making films back then. Art was being created. Let’s see some vintage massive contrails!
More air traffic (than 15 years ago) = more planes = more trails = more cloud cover.
The again, I saw plenty of trails as a child and they did occasionally spread out to cover the sky. Sorry I didn’t video tape it…it didn’t seem worthy at the time considering it wasn’t anything special (unusual) to me. Which is probably the reason we don’t see many images from the 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s. Why would people video tape man made clouds?! Back then it cost quite a bit of money to develop video tape (film)! Then again, I’d be willing to bet that there are MILLIONS of vacation videos with persistent contrails in them in the collections of thousands of people…sitting in their attics, basements and garages. They just don’t have any idea that we need their evidence because they have no idea that the “chemtrail” hoax even exists!
“There are thousands of chemtrail sky vids on the net, not to 5 obvious straw men vids you debunked.”
No, there are thousands of videos of persistent and persistent spreading contrails on the net. Do you expect them all to be “debunked” here on an individual basis?! There are millions of videos of supposed “chemtrails” on the net…I’m hereby debunking them now. Here goes!
Those are contrails! Please provide evidence that there are any chemicals (other than combustion gases and water vapor) in the trail in that video!
Now, repeat that millions of times…DONE!
No amount of “chemtrail videos”, although very nice, will suffice to convince me that anything is being intentionally sprayed from airplanes. There are many assumptions and claims, but no evidence. And evidence is what this site is all about. Chemtrail believers make all sorts of claims about what is in these trails yet they have provided zero evidence that anything found anywhere came FROM the trails. It’s nothing more than paranoid speculation without that evidence. Don’t you agree?
Ben, where did you grow up? Contrails frequency varies with climate and the air traffic. Both of those vary by location.
Gould you supply me with a video (not a still pic) from the 1970s of normal cirrus clouds, so I can see the type of video you mean?
The video evidence question is interesting because of the statistical problems, and the issue of memory, conformation bias, etc. But a big part of the problem is that of the quality of home videos then and now. See:
1970’s Home Movie:

2000’s Home Movie:

And of course there are about 100,000 times as many videos available from the 2000s as from the 1970s
Wow, it is obvious that there are two sides to every story and both sovereign and uncinus will do their best to defend their argument. I for 1 am not interested in the scientific explanation to any of this. That will only lead to a he said she said as science has done time and time again. So, in a lay mans perspective, these lines in the sky did NOT exist when I was a child and have simply been in a factor over the past 10 years. I have witnessed this “spraying” or “con” trails myself on several occasions and watched planes carefully fly in a path close to the original spray and spray again thus leading to larger and larger coverage. The planes paths are not consistent with regular commercial traffic and always fly at such high altitudes that you can’t even see a plane until the spraying starts and once it ends, the plane almost disappears.
Without trying to get into a government conspiracy, the simple truth is there is an aerosol spraying campaign going. As to the reasons I leAve that to your very creative imaginations.
Go ahead and debunk as much as you like. In the end it is not you trying to prove why you are right that makes an iota of a difference.
Its happening in plane (no pun intended) sight and it’s as obvious as the sky WAS once blue.
I wonder why there wasn’t a smog conspiracy.
As far as I can tell it follows a similar pattern to the chemtrail conspiracy.
People started driving cars. The pollution wasn’t much of a problem cos we couldn’t actually see it and it didn’t appear to be doing much. More and more people bought cars. The pollution became a problem in large cities.
So, you could have someone say “our air was never like this!!!!” and someone says “yeah, but there’s loads more cars driving around now!!!!”. But the other person’s like “there were cars driving round before and it was never like this. The air was clean. Just like when I was a child”.
Also, the smog isn’t good for our health. It kills us. So you could say that the government put stuff in the fuel to cause this smog in order to kill us. Or make up any other reason you want.
So I wonder why it never happened. Maybe because we can see more cars driving round easier than more planes flying around. Maybe cos we happily accept that car exhaust kills us but we don’t care that much about it because we wouldn’t want to live without our cars. Dunno.
Then there’s lead in the petrol. Pretty nasty stuff. No end of damage done from that and we’re still probably suffering cos of it. Easy enough to say the government put it in the fuel to kill us. Oh, but they took it out cos of how nasty it was. Hmm. Government don’t like us though. HEY, MAYBE LEAD’S IN FACT GOOD FOR US!!!!!!!!
Haha, love this type of thinking. It’s fun!
Lead is a toxic metal that accumulates and has subtle and insidious neurotoxic effects especially at low exposure levels, such as low IQ and antisocial behavior. It has particularly harmful effects on children. These concerns eventually led to the ban on TEL in automobile gasoline in many countries. Some neurologists have speculated that the lead phaseout may have caused average IQ levels to rise by several points in the United States (by reducing cumulative brain damage throughout the population, especially in the young).
For the entire U.S. population, during and after the TEL phaseout, the mean blood lead level dropped from 13 μg/dL in 1976 to only 3 μg/dL in 1991. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control considered blood lead levels “elevated” when they were above 10 μg/dL. Lead exposure affects the intelligence quotient (IQ) such that a blood lead level of 30 μg/dL is associated with a 6.9-point reduction of IQ, with most reduction (3.9 points) occurring below 10 μg/dL.
Also in the U.S., a statistically significant correlation has been found between the use of TEL and violent crime: taking into account a 22-year time lag, the violent crime curve virtually tracks the lead exposure curve. After the ban on TEL, blood lead levels in U.S. children dramatically decreased.
Even though leaded gasoline is largely gone in North America, it has left high concentrations of lead in the soil adjacent to all roads that were constructed prior to its phaseout. Children are particularly at risk if they consume this. – WIKI
Ethyl-leaded gasoline: how a classic occupational disease became an international public health disaster – Kovarik W. [email protected] Abstract
The author describes the controversy about the use of tetraethyl lead (TEL) as a gasoline additive. Early warnings were ignored by industry, and as leaded gasoline became more profitable, scientists willing to support industry were financed as guardians of the scientific criteria for lead’s health impacts. Controversy erupted in 1924 after refinery accidents left workers dying from violent insanity. In efforts to protect their profits, industry executives falsely claimed there was no alternative to leaded gasoline. Fifty years passed before scientific, court, and regulatory challenges had any influence. When independent research finally emerged, the results were damning enough to support an international phase-out of leaded gasoline.
The tendency to attribute effects to inappropriate causes is always reduced by education.
“So, in a lay mans perspective, these lines in the sky did NOT exist when I was a child and have simply been in a factor over the past 10 years.”
Where you live, yes, where I have lived for the past 45 years, they have always been there. And everyone here sees and understands them. As new routes and airports are added, more flights are created. And more flights means more traffic. More traffic means more instances where airplanes are flying through the conditions needed to produce persistent and persistent spreading contrails. Can’t you even concede that it’s a possibility?! If not, why?
Everyone I have mentioned this hoax to asks the same exact question…”Didn’t these people ever look up before?!”
” The planes paths are not consistent with regular commercial traffic…”
Oh really?! Please provide an example. And if you’re going to say that a plane went overhead and 5 minutes later the “same plane” came back the other way, I’d like to know how you are able to tell it’s the same plane. Even complete circles are normal flight paths given specific situations.
“the simple truth is there is an aerosol spraying campaign going.”
It’s funny how you come to that conclusion without any evidence at all. Well, then again, what comes out of the jet engine can be considered an aerosol. The only problem is that there is no evidence that it’s a deliberate “program”. No more so than the “aerosol program” that comes from the tailpipe of every single combustion engine on the planet. Cares, buses, motorcycles…we’re all guilty! Even our breath creates aerosols.
By the way, even the planes that fly overhead, and leave no visible trail, are leaving just as much aerosols than the ones leaving visible trails. Where there’s hydrocarbon combustion, there’s moisture. In the case of the plane that doesn’t leave a trail, the atmosphere isn’t supersaturated so the moisture is absorbed into the air…just as with the steam rising from a boiling pot of water. The difference is that the air is supersaturated, and the added water vapor isn’t absorbed into the air itself. Oh wait…you don’t care about the silly old science. Sorry to have bored you.
“Its happening in plane (no pun intended) sight and it’s as obvious as the sky WAS once blue.”
Of course you intended the pun…if you didn’t, you would have spelled “plain” correctly.
Ahh just as i thought. The compelling reason to tell people that all is well and explain it by simply stating facts from one side or the other.
Listen I live in Los Angeles and with over 5 major airports see the heaviest air traffic in the nation. The commercial jet liners are not causing these lines. Additionaly I have video footage myself with these planes flying nearly next to each other in criss cross patterns an FAA no no. So go ahead and keep posting ur arguments as to why this has been going on forever.
And to the guy who talks about the smog, I am not some psycho just a person who is concerned about his family not yours. So go ahead and live with blinders on. I just hope for your own sake if you have children they take care of themselves as obviously you won’t.
The commercial jet liners are not causing these lines.
I wasn’t addressing you in particular. Just rambling.
But cheers for the critique on my child caring skills based on my belief in chemtrails. Yeah man! I don’t care about my kids because I don’t fret about the trails in the sky. Logic I’ve come to know and be entertained by now. Sad, but true.
Oh, how I hope you drive. The irony of fretting about trails in the sky, caring sooooo much about the children, then driving somewhere is delicious.
P.S. I don’t have kids, nor drive a car 🙂
“The compelling reason to tell people that all is well and explain it by simply stating facts from one side or the other.”
And heres me thinking that THINGS could be explained by FACTS? How silly of me…
[Admin: section deleted for politeness]
I also live in Los Angeles (Santa Monica). The traffic to those local airports does NOT create any contrails, as it’s much too low when arriving or leaving. The contrails you see now are the trails of jets mostly flying north-south between Mexico, San Diego and San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or Vancouver.
I’d be interested in seeing that footage. Can you post it on YouTube?
Dont let him put it on YouTube. Because once he does that, it becomes undiputable evidence. You cannot argue with a grainy YouTube video.
But science on the other hand. Who trusts science?
I certainly don’t, because the government arnet very nice to us, therefore they must be trying to kill us, therefore anything i have ever been told must be a lie, therefore i will join a cult. Where i ironically believe anything i am told.
It’s always darkest before the dawn… (Note: finish on a cryptic quote which doesn’t really mean anything, and which i stolen from somewhere else. Because if it doesn’t mean anything, they cant prove it wrong)
“And heres me thinking that THINGS could be explained by FACTS? How silly of me… ”
Same here…I must have it all wrong.
From now on I’ll form my beliefs purely through speculation and assumption. It seems to work pretty well for one specific, and VERY tiny portion of the population….maybe it will catch on! We don’t need no stinkin’ Universities!! We have the internet! All the information we’ll ever need is available right from our houses…and it’s all true! Burn the libraries down! I don’t want my tax money paying for book storage! While they’re at it…they can burn all the books for all I care! Just think how much heat energy can be created by burning the books…and smoke from burning books is harmless in comparison to those huge plumes of chemicals in the sky!
“This comment will self destruct in 30 minutes.”
Should I copy it to my space for posterity?
It is perfectly allowable as long as they have the required vertical separation – how would you know if they were 1000 feet apart vertically when they are at 30,000 feet and 10-20 miles away?
In addition your previous comments about splanes flying alongside other contrails IS completely consistant with commercial airliners flying “highways in the sky” – ie IFR traffic routes.
You say that the aircraft were not commercial traffic on normal routes – why do you think that? What is your evidence?
Lastly – you say you are not interested in science?? Well what are you actually interested in then? the whole basis of the chemtrail hoax is science – that Barium salts are a poison, that there is a difference between the composxitions of persistant and non-persistant contrails, etc. These are all testable facts – why would you not be interested in testing them – ie the science?
I do not buy your stated motive that it leads to “he said she said” and how “science” is notorious for that. Some scientific theories are hotly debated – but there is nothing here that needs be hotly debated!! The hoax is easily proved true by simple science – basic tests that would prove its existance and blow all counter arguments out of the water once and for all.
And yet they do not get done.
If there’s a conspiracy here I contend that it is on the part of the hoaxers to deliberately not do the tests that would prove their assertions!
Of course concerned citizens that are stating they are looking for answers to what is concerning them are “hoaxers” . It’s easy for u and your friends to say “my god haven’t these people ever looked at the sky before?” and laugh it off to the rest of the ignorant masses. However the people that are concerned are not lunatics that have never looked at the sky and have a limited understanding of science.
Unfortunately we have looked at the sky for decades and the occurrences of these contrails and how they have turned into “persistent contrails” (floating particles of ice that spread and merge with other floating particles of ice rather than melt like what ice likes to do when exposed to the sun) over the years and have become quite the spectacle.
I am not saying that contrails do not exist nor that I don’t understand what they are or how long they have been in existence. All I am is saying is that anyone who knows anything about contrails know that they require specific atmospheric conditions to occur in the first place part of which is proper levels of humidity in the air surrounding the jet. Knowing that and knowing that the contrails are occurring all around the world simultaneously almost daily regardless of the season should be your first hint that these contrails are not ordinary.
It’s not proper to accuse people as being “hoaxers” when you are playing with half-truths yourselves.
There is no test that I can think of that whoever is denying in this website will not find a counter argument for. Including my argument above explaining the contrail phenomena
Oh well enjoy trashing this as well with your misuse of science to defend your side of the story.
“However the people that are concerned are not lunatics that have never looked at the sky and have a limited understanding of science.”
Well, I wish I could agree with you, but I see no evidence to support that claim. Even in your post, I can see a HUGE mistake in scientific knowledge.
You wrote:
” All I am is saying is that anyone who knows anything about contrails know that they require specific atmospheric conditions to occur in the first place part of which is proper levels of humidity in the air surrounding the jet. ”
It seems you are trying to say that the “specific” conditions are actually RARE conditions, and that just isn’t true. But, that’s not the mistake I was referring to.
Then you wrote: “Knowing that and knowing that the contrails are occurring all around the world simultaneously almost daily regardless of the season should be your first hint that these contrails are not ordinary.”
Seasons have NOTHING to do with the conditions that are conducive to persistent contrail creation. It doesn’t matter if it’s 105 degrees at ground level, it can EASILY be – 40 (yes, that’s a minus sign) at altitude with 100% plus humidity (Supersaturation). Feel free to confirm this on your own. Or, if you feel you must, find evidence that I’m mistaken.
Good luck!
“Oh well enjoy trashing this as well with your misuse of science to defend your side of the story.”
That is exactly what every chemtrail hoax accepter does when he/she claims that the trails in the sky are “chemtrails”. And this has nothing to do with “enjoying” disagreeing with you. Chemtrail hoax accepters make claims that are just plain wrong…and they are corrected here. It’s just that simple. If you feel that you’ve been treated unfairly, provide the evidence necessary to exonerate yourself.
“It’s not proper to accuse people as being “hoaxers” when you are playing with half-truths yourselves.”
Could you please provide evidence that ANYTHING related to the science that explains the trails in the sky, on this site, is a “half truth”. Anything at all…please, take the time to back up your claims. Thanks.
Also, let me ask you…is it “proper” to accuse people, who accept the science in this matter as fact, of being part of the “conspiracy” to spray people with chemicals JUST because they accept this simple and basic science as the truth? Because I’ve been accused of being part of the “NWO” just because I can find no error in the explanation for these trails. I’m not saying you have accused anyone of being part of any evil group, I’m just asking if you believe the accusation is “proper”.
I understand your desire to prove that your beliefs are valid, but claiming that the science that’s presented here is in error when it’s your own knowledge that’s lacking is not the way to go about it. You need to provide evidence that planes are leaving trails in areas where the conditions don’t exist for contrail creation. If you can prove that a single trail (which is not sky writing) has been created in conditions that are wrong for contrails, I’ll change my tune immediately.
You said:
” Knowing that (the specific conditions for contrail formation) and knowing that the contrails are occurring all around the world simultaneously almost daily regardless of the season should be your first hint that these contrails are not ordinary.”
First of all- the specific conditions for contrail formation- namely temp of about -35f – is extremely common at altitudes typically flown (cruise level). Anyone can verify the temps above them (or at least within several hundred miles and 12 hours- so- its not perfect) through radiosonde data- so, you can see if a contrail should or shouldn’t be forming. Contrail persistence requires additional parameters of humidity and pressure.
You can rest assured that these conditions are met somewhere on the globe EVERY day…
and yet, in the sky above me- they are not met everyday…I go days and days without ANY contrails let alone persisting ones…and then when I do see them, they appear when I would expect them- often in front of advancing fronts as predicted by the atmospheric scientists.
Even on clear days when I see contrails- a quick check of the temps aloft show temps well below what is needed for contrail formation…even in summer.
Moreover- they VAST majority of adherents to the “chemtrail” theory do NOT know under what conditions contrails form…or are steadfast in their belief that they cannot persist and spread. Their ONLY conclusion upon seeing on do so is that it is a “chemtrail”. They have failed before they have even started.
FactsMatter is right that contrails can form at anytime of the year- but seasons do play a role in the frequency- at least in North America as persistent contrails are more common during winter VS summer….which is evidenced by all the comments this past summer about how they stopped “spraying” for weeks on end this summer.
You also said:
“There is no test that I can think of that whoever is denying in this website will not find a counter argument for.”
Oh sure there is! Its quite easy- hire an atmospheric sampling plane to fly up- sample a trail that is found in conditions that would not support contrail formation…test the contents for barium, aluminum, goofium or whatever you heart desires.
That would be quite convincing.
I see persistent contrail all year round. I’m thinking of taking a picture from the same spot, every day around the same time. Seasons don’t seem to play all that much of a role here (Boston suburb, 30 miles west (approx.). Maybe more of them in the winter…but I know I see a shit load during the summer…especially this last year..as I’d look up and then have a little chuckle…and shake my head.
Yeah, I agree with you…the ONLY way I would believe that there are chemicals in the trail is if they were tested. Well, that and absolute proof that they are being found in areas where the conditions aren’t right. The fact that no one has been able to show a contrail that has formed where it shouldn’t, should be quite telling to everyone. Some people are just too stubborn…or, it could be something else…:)
And I can’t understand why those who accept this hoax as fact don’t feel the same way! They accept the hoax even though they have no reason to. It’s just plain odd!
The suggestion is all it takes for some of these folks to accept it as fact. Strange. They really should require more evidence than they do.
What they DO have is just so ridiculously circumstantial. It has no impact whatsoever. I am willing to discuss ANY bit of evidence anyone thinks is compelling, and I feel confident that I can debunk it. Not with wisecracks and insults, but with actual scientific evidence. I certainly don’t claim to know everything about this subject, but it’s been explained the same way by very well educated people for almost 100 years. I think I get the gist of it all pretty well. Some people say no condensation takes place and it’s de-sublimation/deposition. Some claim pressure/thrust/efficiency plays a larger role than others believe. But the basics remain the same. Very cold air + water droplets from the jet engines (and ALL jet/piston engines produce vapor) = trails of various types. But, I’m (just speaking for myself) MORE than willing investigate new claims. Bring ’em on! I’ve seen ’em all and i remain unconvinced. I wonder why….Oh yeah, it’s because I’m just some stupid shill…
I don’t see persistent contrails year round, only in the winter months. Of course in Southern California, those are also the months it rains. SoCal is just too hot and/or dry in the summer, at altitude.
Even in the winter though, they don’t show up every day, or all day when they do show up at all. I think people tend to remember when they see them, and forget when they don’t. That’s why a neutral test, like a photo every day, at the same time, would be very useful.
[quote]All I am is saying is that anyone who knows anything about contrails know that they require specific atmospheric conditions to occur in the first place part of which is proper levels of humidity in the air surrounding the jet. Knowing that and knowing that the contrails are occurring all around the world simultaneously almost daily regardless of the season should be your first hint that these contrails are not ordinary.[/quote]
See this is the kind of statement that makes me wild – a bald supposition that something is wrong, with no shred of evidence offered to support the case.
What’s more the poster doesn’t even say WHAT is wrong – just implies that it is not right, somehow……then leaves it up to the imagination.
Why should that be a hint that they are not ordinary? Do you have some evidence that the required conditions do not occur around the world in all seasons on a daily basis? And if you do, so you have some evidence that the occurrence of contrails does not fit the pattern? What studies have you done to establish the correlation?
If not what is your statement based upon?
You’ve really hit a blow to the chemtrail hoax haven’t you, Uncinus. More and more their arguments are going to be like babalo’s. Your site has completely falsified the claim that contrails dissipate chemtrails don’t. More chemtrailers are going to act like that was never their claim in the first place. They’re moving the argument into unfalsifiable territory. First it will be the conditions aren’t right and there are persistent contrails, they must be chemtrails. Then it will be that they only spray when the conditions are right. The goalposts are moving, and a lot of people believe a lot of unfalsifiable things.
If you want chemtrail/contrail photos, go to http://www.chemtrailcentral.com they have a database.
Hahaha… this whole website is a hoax.
I came across this board while googling chemtrail warfare. You better believe it…
Irrefutable evidence:
We’ll, that’s rather a lot of evidence. Could you pick the one on there that you consider the most irrefutable, and I’ll have a go?
Also, did you find any factual errors on this site? Please point them out, and I’ll correct them.
I was looking though that link, this was a fascinating piece of “evidence”:
Here’s the latest from PEI.
The interesting thing here is how this is used to support the case for chemtrails. The suggestion is that since PEI only started taking an interest in these fires in 2000, so they ASKED for reports of such fires, and people sent them in. If you read the report you’ll see there are several publication listed on page 3 that pre-date this. Nor does API suggest this is in any way a change, just that Rober Renkes happened to personally become aware of this in 1999. They say it “appeared to be greater frequency” – but that’s jsut like anything – if you start looking for something, you see more of it. Like contrails.
And then there’s the little question of if the conductivity of the atmosphere had drastically changed, surely you would be able to measure it? Of cours all the millions of scientists are around the world are all part of the conspiracy, but really, nobody noticed?
And, what’s the link here to the white lines in the sky? Why not blame car exhausts?
@You’d better believe it. (Formally Ludacris)
Do you call these photos of wide white lines in the sky “Irrefutable evidence”? Did anybody from CT community ever asked what is the total mass of particles (and/or droplets) in one such line, that can be more than 1 km wide and more than 100 km long?
Here is simple estimate for you all. To be visible, that is, to scatter visible light, these particles must be larger than the visible light wavelength(s). This means that they are at least a few microns (0.000001 m) in diameter. And for the trail to be seen against the sky, there have to be dozens, even hundreds of particles in the path of light beam. Imagine that all these particles are condensed together in the direction of the light beam so that all the thickness of the trail is compressed into a thin film made only of the particles. The thickness of this film will be at least 100 microns (0.0001 m), thickness of hair. This value is grossly underestimated, but, due to its width and length, the volume of this film will be at least:
V = 0.0001 m x 1000 m x 100 000 m = 10 000 cubic meters.
This volume of water has the mass of 10 000 metric tones, which is about seven times heavier than a maximum payload of jumbo jet. Note that this is a rather modest estimate, as there are many much longer and wider trails observed in the satellite images, each has been left by a single plane. These trails cannot be made solely from the stuff ejected by the plane, they have to be made mostly from the stuff that already was in the atmosphere, which, in any case, is mainly a condensed water vapor.
To; You’d better believe it. (Formally Ludacris)
Irrefutable evidence:
No, it’s not. I used to believe in “chemtrails”, and that’s got to be the most bogus site out there. Sites like that used to be an embarrassment to me when I was trying to get people to “just LOOK UP!” in 2007. If you go to “the best evidence” part of this site, you’ll find much better crap than that.
Or you could actually look at some of the evidence on this site that proves chemtrail theory is bogus. After all, it wouldn’t hurt your theory’s any to read more on this site, correct?
If you’re the real “Ludacris”, I understand you spend a lot of time on the Alex Jones Show? You’ve made that guy a lot of money. I sure do hope you’ve gotten your share.
If the air in the vicinity of gas stations were more conductive, there would be fewer static discharges. This is because the static electrical charge would be conducted to neutral because of the higher conductivity of the air.
Static electrical charge builds up exactly because the air, especially dry air, is such a poor electrical conductor.
Oh, wait. The chemtrails are absorbing all the moisture out of the air causing droughts, or is it heavy rain. I have difficulty keeping up with these new capabilities of the chemtrails.
I am concerned that the upper stratosphere will someday use what they were? doing and back fire on all of us. The stratosphere is the universe and the solar patterns of our sun. What could happen? The radio waves from the sun normally control weather patterns as does the stratosphere and our atmosphere.
The stratosphere is very complicated kind of like messing with an ice storm and the sun’s patterns?
What idiot would try to control both of these? I hope to God they have stopped their idiocy!
Regardless to what you believe of their so called control over the upper stratosphere there really playing with fire and maybe quite literally! God help us if there is more going on! Yvonne
yvonne, Chmtrails cannot exist: we cannot alter the stratosphere with any planes because it is far too high for them to fly. The question is how high are you?
❦ “The stratosphere is the universe and the solar patterns of our sun”
– In what way is the stratosphere alone “our universe? No. What about the troposphere? That has all our weather, plus it’s where we live.
❦ “The radio waves from the sun normally control weather patterns”
– Is that true? No. 4 years of Meteorology and I didn’t hear that.
❦ “The stratosphere is very complicated kind of like messing with an ice storm”
– It is indeed very complicated, and it seems to have got the best of you. It is very cold, but storms happen in the troposphere, so again, no.
This ‘chemtrail’ discussion really comes down to the possibilities – and impossibilities – of physics. It seems there is a lot more going on than you know.
Back in the 90s I worked on a program that studied the chemical tracks that are left in the atmosphere. We mapped them. They exist.
Chemical tracks left by what, and consisting of what?
Is there any way we can see the results of the study. If it is legitimate I would like to see it.
what about the health issues, nobody talks about that!!!!
Go to ‘channeled messages by mike Qinsey” for a better understanding of whats going on in the world.
“channeled messages by mike Qinsey”
Where are the references to contrails?
I was just outside looking UP and lo and behold two airplanes flying right in front of my face crisscrossing there stinkin’ lines to form an x right above my damned house!! So don’t tell ME they are blown together by the wind, I watched it happen. As soon as they passed two more airplanes flew over the opposite side of the sky forming an x. I stood there for about 10 min and witnessed 10 air planes forming x’s over my region and I don’t live in a high air traffic zone!!! Seems the more I research this crap the more activity occurs in my part of the sky.
anon, so you looked up and saw contrails. Sme were flying in the same direction, some crossed paths.
Which of these do you find most sinister?
I ask because there are actually only these two possibilities when air craft make contrails.
They can either be parallel or intersect, What In The World Are You Complaining About?
Anon, I was standing here in the Namibian desert yesterday and saw two vehicles drive past, one left a big dusty trail, one didn’t, then some other vehicles came from another direction leaving big dusty trails and I noticed a huge X formation on the ground. That drew my attention to another X formation a few kilometers away.
These X formations cannot be natural. Springbok, ostriches, oryx and impala do not leave them nor make dusty trails.
How can one vehicle drive across a desert and leave a big dust cloud and another vehicle leave a smaller dust cloud?
Sometimes the dust clouds turn on and off.
Surely if the vehicles were just civilians in 4X4s they would never leave X formations on the ground and the dust would always look exactly the same regardless of conditions? Regardless of wind, speed and ground surface?
I stood on a rock outcrop and within the space of ten minutes about 10 vehicles went by leaving mysterious dust clouds.
This is the kalihari desert and is not a major Freeway.
Surely it is all very suspicious?
But you may say “that is ridiculous, the surface of the ground is never consistent so dust trails should not be consistent and there will be soft dirt and dust patches and hard rocky gravel patches, salt and bitumen sections, 4x4s will travel at different speeds and have different tyres, the wind will come from different directions and the drivers of the 4x4s are probably just going to different destinations. It is crazy to say there is anything suspicious of drivers intersecting paths going to different destinations”.
If you understand anything about cars then you would know such suspiciousness about trails from road vehicles is absurd.
Yet such suspicious comments that are absurd when applied to wheeled vehicles are suggested for aircraft.
To people who understand anything about aircraft such suspiciousness about contrails is equally silly.
Think carefully about why some people think it’s strange that planes travel in different directions. Can the 80,000 airliners that fly each day only fly the exact same path?
Why do people think that the atmosphere is absolutely uniform in consistency? If you have ever seen clouds or wind or storms then you should know that the conditions in the atmosphere vary wildly.
Mick has written a very detailed and accurate website here that explains in detail all your concerns. It would be worthwhile having a very careful read of it all.
I could not help but read the comments about the elite colluding together, common sense indeed, for a group or collective to protect their interests, Royal Families have done it for centuries so why not the elite classes other than Royal Families of the world. I find it interesting looking at all kinds of history and always have found it to be fascinating and often eye opening, but at my age now little surprises me. I don’t even find it shocking that most people do not care or deny government experiments of chemical and biological warfare on civilians and most western and eastern countries even have a history of doing this. I am not only talking about modern times either. The use of bio-chemical warfare against other countries or enemies is even more ancient, now I am not suggesting that chemtrails or geoengineering is for this purpose. I do however agree that laws on anti-terrorism and programs such as the American BioShield allows viruses to be bioengineered to have the potential to kill billions of people, and they use this cover to engineer race specific viruses, so guess what, the obvious strikes us here as it not being defensive warfare, but offensive and very dangerous, especially when you look at the level 3 security used for what should be level 3. If viruses as dangerous as this were to “accidentally” leak out then that is all they would have to say, it was accidental and we must learn a lesson from it. Now, German politicians would not accept vaccines so the pharma companies made them a safer and cleaner vaccine for them, the other vaccines had contaminations in and made use of cancer cells from animals, nice! This is hardly surprising though. Merck scientist and vaccine pioneer admitted to contaminated vaccines long ago: so the status quo continues business as usual:
It also references of this can be found in Wikipedia, and no, it is not listed as a conspiracy theory.
The colluding of powerful, rich elite has now been proven, one may say. Or least scientific research now proves there is a close network of the most consolidated and networked corporations, including banks.
It was published in new scientist.
Excerpt from article:
“AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters’ worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.
The study’s assumptions have attracted some criticism, but complex systems analysts contacted by New Scientist say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. Pushing the analysis further, they say, could help to identify ways of making global capitalism more stable.
AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters’ worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.”
The article concludes that breaking up the elite control matrix would be in the interest of everyone in the world. And it is commonse sense, if the economy is more diverse then when companies fail it won’t affect the economy as much as monolithic corporate networks would and do when they fail.
Something else I find very annoying but very predictable is the media not reporting on Iceland, they have debt forgiveness where debt is wiped out and companies were allowed to fail and after a few years the economy made corrections and now recovered very well, compared to countries that struggle on by, and like the UK now in a recession again. Its really predictable in the first place even before Iceland decided to do the most ethical and sound thing, that bailing out banks to me was suicide and only for the banks and political careers of – career politicians, of course, but most people would not have known or formed an opinion on the obvious at that time. For common sense, is not that common at all.
I imagine if we had more independent scientific research that was not controlled by special interest groups of industry itself and government then we would find many so called conspiracy theories were more factual than most would ever had dreamt possible.
I am not saying chemtrails are proven to be as many claim them to be, but we now know without a shadow of doubt geoengineering is very real and many governments have been experimenting with it one way or another for many decades now. In recent decades there have been progressions to different methods and I think there are safe options for this. One method in the UK that was proposed and has now been experimented with by the UK government lat least year, was spraying misted water into the atmosphere to create a cover or man made clouds, by making a fine misted spray of water into the atmosphere it is possible to create clouds. If needed we could also use natural contaminants such as dirt and dust as well, should we need to. This it far safer for human, animal and ecological health than spraying sulphur into the atmosphere, referred to as planet hacking. The pro geoengineers at top universities are concerned about the toxic affects of spraying sulphur into the atmosphere and say it could well easily prove to be far worse than any global ecological disasters or global warming.
Until there is more independent research into current contrails we have no way of knowing with 100% certainty. It is easy to manipulate data when doing any scientific research by simply omitting the data to be input or by making slight adjustments, I’ve seen this been done many times and it changes everything. But to see this you have to carefully analyse the journals and often have some kind of background in the area that is being researched.
What strikes me as odd is the time it takes for modern contrails to completely disperse and that they spread out so far and wide to complete sky cover within 20, 40 – 60 mins after aircraft leave them behind. no matter how many attempts made to explain this with atmospheric conditions which must be factored it in just doesn’t explain it all. And we now often see cloudless skies some days even in cloudy countries like England, Wales and Ireland only for the very next day to be completely covered, maybe it is natural but I never saw anything like that when I was younger, and I have always been one to observe, it is how I first came across the term chemtrail, by myself by searching for answers online and it took me several years to find the word associations with what I was observing. And came to find out millions of others had observed the same. My hope is that the government will opt to use safest option of only spraying water, but their dirty and dark history says otherwise and that is all we have to go off, when no government in the west is transparent or honest. Apologies for any poor grammar but I have limited time for writing and proof reading. I thought reader of this site may find the new scientist article of interest.
I’m sorry but what is actually unusual about having a lovely day one day and then a cloudy one the next?? Are you really trying to tell us that you never encountered that before?? I would find that extraordinary – just from normal weather.
I am in Wellington, New Zealand. Sunday was an atrocious day – strong winds, driving rain. Monday, fortunately (I had a funeral to attend!) was perfect – barely a cloud in the sky, moderate winds (a bit chilly as it is late Autumn here) but hot when out of the wind. Today, Tuesday, it is raining again, low cloud and cold. that is just weather!
As for why do “modern contrails” take time to expand – would you expect them to expand instantly?? Old ones also took time to expand – there are accounts on this site of contrails made in the morning expanding to a wide cloud cover in the afternoon, back as far as 1940.
In what way do atmospheric conditions fail to explain this??
as an american gun owner, if the government ever comes clean about this, i’ll have to make a trip to washington.
As an American, it scares me that certain people own guns.
You should direct your anger towards the real chemtrails coverup. Most chemtrail believers have been lied to by their leaders. Here are some of their lies:
Lie- They have told you that contrails which persist are abnormal and indicative of chemicals.
Truth- Contrail persistence is an ordinary and perfectly explained process.
Lie- Rain, water and soil samples show abormal and toxic levels of aluminum, barium and strontum
Truth- The samples presented as being toxic show ordinary and safe levels of those elements which are found in soil dust no different from the levels seen for over forty years.
Lie- Military jets are spraying you.
Truth- Thousands of ordinary commercial jets fly over the USA every day, some of them leave contrails made of water vapor that persist in exactly the same way that ordinary clouds do.
Lie- Geoengineerng has increased aerosol density in the stratosphere and dimmed the planet to reduce global warming.
Truth- If geoengineering were taking place, aerosol density would be increasing, but it hasn’t been any different than it was back in the 1960’s, while particulate pollution and cloud condensation nuclei in the USA has decreased.
If you want to discuss or dispute any of these, there is room to do so on any of the above sites. When you really understand who has been lying and engaging in a cover up of information, you will understand where to direct your anger, and it is towards those who have stirred this whole chemtrails thing up but won’t address their own gross errors and misinformation.
You should direct your anger towards the real chemtrails coverup. Most chemtrail believers have been lied to by their leaders. Here are some of their lies:
Lie- They have told you that contrails which persist are abnormal and indicative of chemicals.
Truth- Contrail persistence is an ordinary and perfectly explained process.
Lie- Rain, water and soil samples show abormal and toxic levels of aluminum, barium and strontum
Truth- The samples presented as being toxic show ordinary and safe levels of those elements which are found in soil dust no different from the levels seen for over forty years.
Lie- Military jets are spraying you.
Truth- Thousands of ordinary commercial jets fly over the USA every day, some of them leave contrails made of water vapor that persist in exactly the same way that ordinary clouds do.
Lie- Geoengineerng has increased aerosol density in the stratosphere and dimmed the planet to reduce global warming.
Truth- If geoengineering were taking place, aerosol density would be increasing, but it hasn’t been any different than it was back in the 1960′s, while particulate pollution and cloud condensation nuclei in the USA has decreased.
If you want to discuss or dispute any of these, there is room to do so on any of the above sites. When you really understand who has been lying and engaging in a cover up of information, you will understand where to direct your anger, and it is towards those who have stirred this whole chemtrails thing up but won’t address their own gross errors and misinformation.
How do you explain multiple trails in remote areas of Canada? With zero air traffic?
Also why are you so dedicated to disproving such a foolish thing as chemtrails?
I believe the trails are used for weather control, due to the strange weather and messed up clouds, and wisps, etc in the sky.
How they are created is another story.
dedicated contrail expert said:
“How do you explain multiple trails in remote areas of Canada? With zero air traffic?”
There are a lot of transcontinental air traffic going over remote areas of Canada. See
[Admin: edits for politeness]
My God! You all are saying that someone who “claims” to have seen “CHEMtrails) is [wrong]. But we can all believe in ghosts because Uncinus has seen one. I believe in chemtrails because I have watched the skies change very slowly over the past year. And I believe the uber wealthy are NOT like the rest of us! I also believe that high levels of government can and will collude with multinational corporations, and that these entities pull the strings on issues worldwide, and much of it is based on greed.
Over the past several months I have seen a slow but greater, broader proliferation of these chemtrails. I have seen a blue sky slowly covered by white streams (effluent from jets) that become clouds that blanket the sky. I have seen sunsets that are full of beautiful shapes and colors, but I know they are manmade because I can see the chemtrails that formed them. At twilight I have seen chemtrails form clouds of colors that are strange and unnatural. I have seen black clouds, oh, yeah, surely I’ve seen those before? Right? Wrong! I have seen a “veil” of particulate matter glistening in the sun after settling from chemtrails. Lately I have seen eerie reddish areas in the sky at twilight that I have never seen before.
Over the last two years I have become alarmed at the rate at which these chemtrails have multiplied, blocking the sun with a fine haze often appearing to be just another overcast day. I have watched the jet pilots become more brazen, crisscrossing the sky, doing loops and circles, creating gridlike patterns. I have mentioned it to many people and gotten the usual “oh, those are contrails” response, These people do not look up at the sky every day . . . well, most days . . . yeah, well, rarely.
The one thing I have found is that people do. not. look. up. That is why the wool can be slowly pulled over their heads. A chemtrail here, a little haze over here, a little chemtrail cloud there, a tiny black cloud mixed in here, ooh, and time for a big X over the sunset – Ha Ha . . . no one wil notice because the PTB knows that most people do. not. look. up!! (and yes, I have photos of the big X over the sunset)
I’ve not seen any ghosts. I think they are less likely to be real than chemtrails (which is not saying much).
So Deb, If these trails are sinister why allow them to be so visible? Is it possible the government is trying to identify a group of people who are observant and paranoid? They should otherwise hide the trails no? Since you only describe optical effects it seems they only want to identify those who are paying attention. Maybe you shouldn’t be so vocal about them.
Everything published was very logical. However, think about
this, suppose you were to write a killer title? I am not suggesting your information isn’t solid., however what if you added a title that makes people desire more? I mean History Channel, That’s Impossible,
Weather Warfare & Chemtrails – Contrail Science � Contrail Science is kinda vanilla.
You ought to peek at Yahoo’s home page and watch how they write article titles to get viewers to open the links. You might try adding a video or a pic or two to get people excited about everything’ve got to
say. In my opinion, it would make your blog a little bit more interesting.
Deb, the chemtrails theory has been around for 16 years. What have you been looking at for the other 15?
There’s so much sensationalism on this site as it is I’m glad mick chooses subdued, normal layouts and bland titles. The chemtrail sites usually are visually startling and employ tricks and misrepresentations in both the graphics and headlines. No need here.
I’m with you Deb. So are plenty of other people who are not on this blog.