Most of the supposed “chemtrail” videos out there are simply videos of persistent contrails that the video maker somehow has decided are part of a giant world-wide conspiracy involving spraying something for some purpose.
But some videos are actually deliberate hoaxes, either by pranksters poking fun at the chemtrail community, or by people looking to promote the theory for one reason or another.
The above video comes from TankerEnemy, an Italian chemtrail proponent. It very clearly shows aerodynamic contrails coming from the wings of a KC-10. The pilots on the cockpit are heard joking about it being “chemtrails”. TankerEnemy, not being a native english speaker, misses this and thinks they are being serious. He then goes on to “analyze” the video, and points to the flap mechanisms as being nozzles.
The original video was posted by USAFFEKC1OA as a joke (on July 14th 2010, under his original account USAFFEKC10, see here). He later updated the description to read:
USAFFEKC1O | July 17, 2010
It was fun playing with all the chemtrailers but you guys are way to gullible!! 🙂
And commented:
You guys who keep saying “TOO LATE” need to think before you open your mouth…I don’t care that the videos are still out there and going viral. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PRANK!!!! …for all of you chemtrail idiots to get all excited as if these videos are the holy grail of chemtrail videos and for me and my friends to laugh at you while you spread them. The more passionate you guys are about this, the more entertaining it is for those of us who live in the real world. Keep on spreading!!
The video has indeed “gone viral”, at least within the chemtrail community. This means TankerEnemy will ether have to admit he was wrong, or continue to assert that the video is real evidence of spraying, even though it’s painfully obvious that it is not. Unfortunately he’s chosen the latter.
He later uploaded the original video, commenting:
This is the original unadulterated video that started all the fuss. It is completely authentic and no camera tricks were used. It is simply a couple of KC-10’s in formation and the audio you hear is just us poking fun at all the “chemtrail” conspiratorists. I knew when I shot the video that this would be catnip for all the conspiratorists out there. Yeah, the contrails have an odd way of “starting” and “stopping” but that is easily explained with physics. It’s no different than the lenticular clouds that form over a mountain or the fog that flows from an open freezer. So, stop being so gullible, kids. There are truely bad things in the world but this isn’t one of them!
Air Force Pilots Chatting While Filming A Chemtrail Being Sprayed
This is an interesting one. It’s NOT FAKE, but it just shows a plane leaving contrails. The pilots are chatting, but just about some test they are taking.
The reason it’s even listed as a “chemtrail” video is the unusual perspective of the shot. It looks rather unusual, and impressive. So some people think it’s either chemtrails, or a fake. But it’s just contrails. That’s what they look like when you are closely following a plane.
This one is less popular, perhaps because it’s more obviously fake. It shows some video from inside a cockpit (looks like an Airbus A321) with someone flipping a switch labeled “CHEMTRAIL ON/OFF”. The video then intercuts the cockpit view with a variety of shots of contrails, implying that the switch created contrails.
It’s hard to take the video seriously. The “chemtrail on/off” labels is obviously hand made, and simply stuck over the existing “Foot Warmer” switch on the switch panel on the right size of the Airbus panel.
Germany becomes the first country to admit chemtrail ops
That’s a real news story about chaff interfering with the weather radar. However the english subtitles have been faked to make it look like it’s a story on “chemtrails”. See full explanation here:
Ultimate Proof – Chemtrails
Those two are clearly just jokes by PogoPoint99, but are amusing takes on the whole chemtrail culture.
People are just posting these videos for their own amusement. It’s a bit unfortunate that they then “go viral” and are used to support the chemtrail theory. But the silver lining here is that the videos are very easily demonstrated to be fake, and I would hope that any chemtrail believer that gets initially taken in my them might pause for a few moments after they discover what the videos actually are.
If you so quickly and easily believed these videos, then how many other things are there that you have quickly and unquestioningly believed in the past? Perhaps it’s time to start questioning things?
Hi Uncinus,
It is true that many people believing in chemtrails take jokes very seriously. On a Dutch forum called a person asked about chemtrails which resulted in the members talking as if it was something top secret.
One made up this checklist which is still believed to be genuine by the chemtrail community:
Operations Manual
For normal Chemtrail Operation refer to AOM
For maximum wind components refer to AOM
For minima applicable to dispatch with equipment unservicable refer to AOM 2.6.
Minima due to abnormal aircraft configuration are published in the respective ECL procedure.
– BAT P/B………………………………………CFRM ON
– MIXTURE……………………………………. ..SET
Dispatch requirements:
– 8 Full bottles (a 666 sq. km = 5328 sq. km)
– Check fluoride level in potable water is at least 4.5 %
– Refer to MEL 4.5 23-2
(Not Applicable)
– This alert is Illuminati when:
– IQ selector is set to less than 23.
– Pax o/b who are the result of a marriage between cousins.
* CHEM DISP in ON position:
– CHEM DISP………………………………………O FF
* Advise pax out of the blue that everything is in order.
CHEM DISP remains displayed
– No restart attempt should be made.
CHEM DISP no longer displayed
– CHEM DISP……………………………………..ST ART
– Start attempts may be repeated
– Refer to Limitations and Systems data 2.4.4-4
Procedure completed
This alert is Illuminati when the CHEM DISP DOOR is not in the commanded position.
On ground:
– Contact NWO/MiB (VHF 151.51 or Grid number 51)
In air:
– Continue
Procedure completed.
**** Passenger discretion is advised ****
This alert is Illuminati when CHEMICAL DISPENSER Chemicals are low
* No restart attempt should be made
– Refill as soon as possible. Diversions are optional, in concern with NWO Chemtrail Operations, Rachel, Nevada, USA.
Procedure completed.
– The CHEMICAL DISPENSER can be used in the air only.
– If Crosswind components at >FL100 exceed 15 kts operation is not advised.
– Bleed air can be supplied in air for 3 packs and in flight till 15000 ft press. altitude for 1 pack.
– Each CHEMICAL DISPENSER is supplied with 2 bottles; 1 bottle can be used for approx 666 sq. km.
– In case pax discretion is violated, advise Chemtrail Operations immidiatly and have pax diagnosed with any mental illness.
– If possible, a grid flightpath is to be followed. Air Traffic Control is obliged to cooperate. Extended flight times (delays) may be blamed on Air Traffic Control, Ground Employees and weather.
– It’s the Commander’s responsibility that Chemical Operations are done in accordence with the AOM, and within the time limits stated by the New World Order.
– When Chemical Operations are in progress, Bilderberg accomodation may be used during nightstops only.
If questions arise, contact +1 800 NEW WORLD (+1 800 63996753)
Interesting, perhaps the language difference played a part. Although I know that many Dutch speak very good english.
Here’s another hoax:
Uncinus, thanks for the updates with the new videos. Alex Jones already posted this guys video with the KC-10.
Funny thing is, they always write things like this “Don’t listen to hoaxers who repeat that this document is false or similar lies.”
This gave me a good giggle – mind you anything involving cranks who live in a fantasy world where every single object is out to get you is funny 🙂
These crackpot twerps make my day – frozen water is deadly and can make you ill! UFOs are real despite the laws of physics prohibiting them from even getting a foot off the ground. And so on and so forth with every other irrational and idiotic fantasy.
I think that Alex Jones has a theme song:
(Napoleon XIV “They’re Coming To Take Me Away Haa Haa!).
Reminds me of the dihydrogen monoxide hoax several years ago; laughed at that too! The imagination is a cruel tyrant it would seem… all it needs is a mental hospital and a friendly psychiatrist.
For years now, you have been dismissing everything that has been reported as a chemtrail to be nothing more than a ‘persistent’ or ‘lingering’ contrail. Even when conditions are so extremely unlikely for contrail formation to occur. No matter where the location is or what the weather conditions are, or what season it is etc…, when a plane leaves a trail in the sky that does not dissipate, it is always just nothing more than a contrail. Even on days when it is 110 degrees with no humidity and not a cloud in the sky because it is so dry, you still claim that the long lingering persistent trails are nothing more than contrails formed by ice crystals. As perposterous as that claim sounds, lets just say for the sake of argument that you are always right and everyone that is concerned about these contrail anomalies are just a bunch of nut cases as you so desperately attempt to portray them as. Your explanation as to why people have only been noticing them since about ten years ago or so is because of the increase in air traffic. And of course, lets not forget how you tell everyone that their childhood memories are not really what they think they are because they just aren’t remembering it correctly. So, I started noticing these lines in the sky about 8 years ago. They caught my attention because I have been an avid sky watcher all of my life. Night or day, it doesn’t matter, I have always been fascinated with it. I did not even know what a chemtrail was, never heard of the term before. At first I was very curious, then when I would watch the sky become totally blanketed with this stuff and watch it slowly settle to the ground, I too became worried because this is not consistent with vapors formed by ice crystals, especially on a day in the middle of summer when the temperature is above 110 degrees. Just not possible for a contrail to linger under those conditions at 1000 feet above sea level. Anyway, these things that you like to call persistent contrails have been occuring on a daily basis for years now. As I said before, no matter what the criteria is, you always claim that it is perfectly normal contrail behavior. In fact, I can recall very few days over the past 8 years or more that the sky has been void of them.
So here’s my dilemma. Approximately 30 days ago, the activity came to a stop. There has not been a single contrail in the sky. There has been no change in the flight map that you love to point out to people to show them how much air traffic is actually in the sky on a daily basis as the reason why there are so many contrails. In fact, there have been a significant number of days in the past 30 of which the wheather conditions would be quite favorable for contrail formation. Yet, I can sit and watch the sky all day now trying to find a plane leaving a contrail and it just is not happing. It’s as if someone has just turned the switch off. All of a sudden, in an instant, the persistent lingering contrail phenomenon has ceased to exist. What could have happened all of a sudden that seems to contradict all of your bogus explanations about how it is perfectly normal for contrails to persist and linger, yet now it is almost impossible to find even a ‘normal’ contrail in the sky. You know, the normal short lived trails that everyone remembers from the days prior to 10 years ago? Oh, I just remembered, those were just figments of our imagination because you told us so. My bad.
Now, I’m sure that you will have an explanation for this sudden change in contrail behavior as you always do. In fact I am counting on it. I can’t wait to hear how you are going to explain why contrails no longer linger in the sky, or even form at all, after spending years trying to convince people how easily and frequently persistent contrails occur no matter what the conditions are. Seems that the logical explanation is, that it is an intentional action rather than a natural occurance. Then again, I could just be imagining it and not really seeing what I think I am seeing like you tell people that report seeing abnormal contrails otherwise known as chemtrails. It could just be that no matter what the situation is, you are always right and everyone else that does not conform to your non-logical nonsense is always wrong.
We’re all waiting to hear what the contrail expert and his cohorts have to say about this one so don’t keep us waiting. One more thing. I will be sure to update you when the spraying starts back up again and contrails once again fill the skies with their long lingering existence, if it should start back up again. Or, perhaps the mission has been accomplished. After all, health problems have spiked dramatically since this anomally began a little over 10 years ago. Probably just another coincidence to you though. Couldn’t possibly be related to anything in the air that we have been breathing. Soon people will begin to realize what a fraud you are when start waking up to the truth and all you have to do is just disappear and never have to be accountable for all of your lies and your contribution to the destruction that has been done. What is the price for human life anyway uncinus? Was it worth it?
Yeah, “1000 feet”…sure.
And are you trying to suggest that the conditions at altitude are anything like the conditions at ground level?! I sure hope not! Yup, the air sure CAN be -40 with 100% saturation at altitude while 100 degrees and dry as a bone at altitude. Also, don’t forget that water vapor is a byproduct of hydrocarbon combustion.
Then again, you obviously have your mind made up. I feel sorry that you live in such a sad little world. There has been no “sudden change in contrail behavior”. They have been acting as they have been for around 9 decades. Sorry you missed them in your youth…you were probably too busy staring at your belly button to notice them. I saw them as a boy 40 years ago and I still see them today. Don’t try and tell me that I didn’t see them. They are what first interested me about aviation in the early 70’s.
Did you even read any of my comment? How can you expect to be taken seriously? Moron.
I think he’s not taking you seriously because you suggested that contrails (or chemtrails) form at 1,000 feet above sea level.
You live the in the Shasta area of Northern California, right? Well the city of Mt Shasta is at 3,500 feet above sea level, so I’ll assume you mean above ground level (or at 4,500 feet).
The peak of Mt Shasta is about 14,000. So if there were any low flying planes then it would be trivially easy to photograph them well below the peak – thus proving your point. Or at least photograph the trails “falling to the ground”. So – after 8 years, what photographs do you have?
Also, what exactly does 110 degrees have to do with the temperature at flight altitude? Have a look at this page:
It’s the weather aloft forecast for Montague (a bit to the north of you), Right now it’s showing 66F at 6,000 feet, and -40F at 34,000 feet.
How are you measuring the altitude of the planes. If you get someone to help, you could do it with a bit of trigonometry, using synchronized photos of the position relative to the top of the mountain. The method was described by Arthur Clayden in his 1905 book “Cloud Studies”. He used it to measure the altitude of clouds before planes were invented.
Why no trails for the last 30 days? It’s the weather. I’ve not seen any trails here either. The weather conditions need to be right at flight altitude for contrails to persist. The fact that they are not persisting indicates that they weather is not right for them to persist.
That might sound like circular reasoning, but unless you’ve actually got some conflicting weather information, then that’s exactly what all of the recorded science of contrail formation for the last 90 years would tell you.
And on another note you said:
No they haven’t. According to official statistics, health problems have generally decreased. However for any given group of people (like you and your friends and family), you are all now 10 years older than you were before. Everyone gets more health problems in their 40s than in their 30s – so everyone individually is constantly feeling sicker and sicker as they get older. Your health level for your age group is, on average, better than the same age group ten years ago.
This is especially true when it comes to things like respiratory diseases which have on average decreased greatly since the Clear Skies act of 2002. This does vary by location, based mostly on local industry and transport usage.
Do you have any statistics to back up your claims?
Uncinus- I’ve got a busy few days ahead or I would do it but could you possibly find and put up temps aloft at a couple different altitudes (maybe FL390 or so) for the last few months or weeks compared to temps aloft during the winter months? I don’t know where to go to look backward, just current and the near future.
They have been very high recently.
Uncinus says:
“Why no trails for the last 30 days? It’s the weather. I’ve not seen any trails here either. The weather conditions need to be right at flight altitude for contrails to persist. The fact that they are not persisting indicates that they weather is not right for them to persist.”
My point exactly. I have been saying that all along. But when they are actually existing under the same wheather conditions, it is because the wheather conditions are right according to you. In fact, the weather conditions have been just right at flight altitude for contrails to exist every day, everywhere since the day you started this blog. Now, all of a sudden, for 30 consecutive days those wheather conditions dont exist after years of daily persistent contrails. Since you have so much time to research the weather, try back tracking until you find the same weather conditions and I will gaurantee you that persistent contrails existed on those days. Your explanations lack consistency as usual by claiming opposite results under the same wheather conditions. When someone tries to explain to you that lingering contrails should not exist on certain days, you come back with your line about how the conditions are not the same at flight altitude. I agree. But now we have no contrails and the weather conditions can surely be matched at some point in the last 8 years that I have witnessed daily lingering trails. If you are saying that the weather conditions over the past 30 days are completely unique to the past 8 years then that is far more ridiculous than anyone claiming that chemtrails exist. You cant have it both ways. Either they exist under these weather conditions or they dont. Make up your mind. If what you are saying were to be true, then there certainly would have been some breaks in the persistent contrail activity over the years, yet there were not. You are trying to tell me now that the conditions are not right, yet when someone tries to tell you that the conditions are not right for contrails to persist, they are wrong. The first 30 day period of no contrails in 8 years and now you want to claim it is due to the weather conditions. Your bogus replies are getting weaker and weaker and really starting to reveal you for the shill that you are.
Also, I never suggested that contrails form at 1000 feet above sea level. Another tactic you commonly use to manipulate people’s minds. You take a statement and turn it into something completely different than what was actually said, then try to use that statement against that person as if that person actually said it in your words. Just another one of the many things that expose you for what you really are. A common shill practice. 1000 feet is the altitude I was referring at which I lived at the time. What I actually said, was that I would watch the sky become blanketed with the white stuff and I would watch it as it slowly decended down. When it reached ground level, which happened to be 1000 feet where I lived at the time, it is not possible for a contrail to continue to persist when it is 110 degrees outside. Water vapor and ice crystals will evaporate way before that point. No I dont have pictures of it either. Dont need them. Besides, a picture could not do it justice compared to living it and breathing it and physically experiencing it. So if you want to call me a liar then so be it if that is all you’ve got. I am not trying to convince you of something that you will never accept. I am just confirming to those that know.
In addition, you are once again wrong about the health issue. I have worked in the medical equipment field for the previous 20 years and in the last 5 or more years, respiratory complications have shot through the roof! I dont know where you are getting your data from but I have witnessed it first hand. It goes far beyond just respiratory problems too. My statistics are based on medical equipment needs and the increasing seriousness of the condition. I dont need a stastistic from the clear skies act of 2002 to tell me what I am dealing with is not true. Sounds like one of your tactics. Trying to tell people what they are seeing isnt actually what is happening. As far as I am concerned, you have provided no realistic explanation as to why the contrails have suddenly disappeared after years and years of non-stop daily occurences of persistent lingering trails, sometimes as many as several hundred a day, and now zero.
Your usual tactic is to always try to discredit what someone has to say by throwing out irrellevent statistics or asking for the photographs etc… yet you expect your comments to be taken at face value. A double standard. Your true colors are really starting to come through. You have made it obvious from the very beginning what your mission is by the typical shill style of your disinformation campaign. Unfortunately, I dont have my entire life to commit to this blog as you seem to have so I will leave it at that. You are a fraud and you hide behind a computer to never be accountable for your actions. It is too bad that so many others cant see it as clearly as I can. Perhaps their weak minds are a result of all of years of poisoning.
I hope you’re not baiting here but in case you’re not are you willing to concede that conditions at altitude have been different for the last 30 days? So different, in fact that persistant contrails can’t form?
We should start by resolving this question.
Upper temperature data (and wind data) for any date and for any location on earth that has an upper air programme can be found here:
I think you’ll find according to the conditions MEASURED.
Yes they are, somewhere in the stratosphere, around a fifth of the time.
BUT THEY DO, somewhere in the stratosphere, around a fifth of the time.
THEY WILL HAVE EXISTED, somewhere in the stratosphere, around a fifth of the time.
This comment of yours is mirroring your confusion.
You remain unaware that, somewhere in the stratosphere, the correct conditions have existed, do exist, and WILL exist, around a fifth of the time.
There are ALWAYS “breaks” in contrail activity, seeing that four-fifths of the time, conditions DON’T favor persistent contrails.
Seeing as you are conceptually “challenged” here, it perhaps isn’t the time to commit yourself to a “position”. Especially when you’re so exposed.
Are you saying you could not see the top of the hill you were standing on?
First-hand experience can be illuminating but it doesn’t mean that you can extend it to cover the rest of the world.
You’re shooting a line here. I’m fairly sure that someone will produce a picture of contrails taken yesterday. Has no-one ever told you that the weather is DIFFERENT ELSEWHERE?
Uncinus’s “tactic” is MY “tactic” too, yet we are an ocean and a continent apart.
Statistics ARE relevant, for they are gathered for multitudinous purposes from all points over the globe. Pictures are very helpful too. You inner state of mind isn’t.
And THAT is the issue, as far as I’m concerned.
A “chemtrail” hoax believer has called me a “moron” because I mocked the information in one of his posts?!? Whatever shall I do, my life is ruined!
Yeah, I read ENOUGH of your comment…and through the tears of laughter I was able to read a bit more and see that you make the same exact mistakes as the rest of the “chemtrail” hoax believers. Assumption after speculation after assumption. Assuming that “respiratory complications” have ANYTHING to do with the trails in the sky is just ridiculous! Especially when one takes the .5 seconds to think about it and realizes the BILLIONS of sources of pollution we have right down here at ground level. Not to mention a complete lack of evidence that links trails SPECIFICALLY to “respiratory complications”. Maybe you have some info that would clear this up. It’s interesting how you people have the nerve to call anyone “shills” for disagreeing with you! I have yet to find a “chemtrail” hoax believer that isn’t VERY confused about this subject.
Please, stop being a hypocrite and learn about VERY basic atmospheric science and aviation. Specifically air saturation and and what is in jet exhaust. I think you would be amazed at how little you know about these subjects. How can I make that claim?! By reading your posts. You are VERY confused about contrails and your own atmosphere. But, go ahead…pretend that you’ve “learned” enough about these subjects from other people who never studied these subjects, and youtube videos. It doesn’t matter to me…”chemtrail” hoax believers aren’t taken seriously by society anyway. You should be thanking the people on this site for taking time out of their days to point you, and your friends, in the right direction. Oh, and buy the way…you do know the burden of proof is on YOU to make your case, right…why did you leave it up to others to research the conditions of your area? I would have thought you’d have that data as part of your claim. It’s interesting that you didn’t.
Also, don’t blame others because YOU aren’t articulate.
I took this statement:
“Just not possible for a contrail to linger under those conditions at 1000 feet above sea level”
And I commented on it as it was presented. It states that the contrail was 1000 feet above SEA LEVEL! Stop backtracking and admit that you have NEVER studied your own atmosphere. It’s OBVIOUS, so your admission will matter little…I just want you to admit it to yourself.
You are so lucky that there is a one way politeness policy in place.
Also, as runways are improved/added and new airports created, some routes will no longer overlap and there will be MUCH less traffic in an area. Also, with less traffic, planes aren’t as restricted for airspace and are able to fly in conditions that pilots favor. If air traffic has significantly been rerouted near your area, you’d not only see less planes, but less contrails. Oh, by the way…. EVERY plane leaves a trail….we just don’t see most of them because it’s not cold or humid enough for them to condense. Why don’t you take that statement to ANY atmospheric scientist on the planet and ask if it’s accurate. Oh wait, are they also all “in on it”?!? Damn shills are everywhere!
It’s the Illuminati! Using facts!!!! How dare they!!!
“It is too bad that so many others cant see it as clearly as I can. Perhaps their weak minds are a result of all of years of poisoning.”
Oh, come on! This guy is pulling our legs…
Our founding fathers belong to a secret society, doubt it not.
Control through chaos, divide and conquer.
And you know this how? Are you saying you’ve seen persistent contrails every day for three years. And now nothing for 30 days?
My experience has been that some days there are contrails, some days there are not, some more, some less. There have been far more in the winter, and far less in the summer. I’ve only seen a few isolates in the last 30 days, but then it’s summer, and last summer there was the same absence of contrails.
If what you are saying is true, then it’s should be very easy to prove it. What you are claiming is quite amazing, and would be of interest to millions of people. Something either new to science, or part of a huge conspiracy in plain sight. So why is there this disconnect? Why are people looking at the ame sky as you, and not seeing anything unusual?
You know that your own personal memories are not going to cut it. But why is there this reluctance on your part to offer ANY other evidence? If it’s so important, then why has nobody taken the time to collate atmospheric soundings with contrail counts? If you really beleive you are locked in some kind of conflict with the government, then why base you case on such flimsy evidence? Don’t you want to convince anyone?
Here’s a good source of hard information:
It’s the daily satellite photos for your area (roughly centered on Mt Shasta, which you can see as a white blob in the middle of the image about 2/3 of the way from the left edge). Two photos are taken every day, in the early afternoon, and they give you a very good idea of the atmospheric conditions. You can actually see contrails on the image (when conditions are right), and you can see that the contrail formation is closely related to the cloud formation.
The number 2010212 in the URL is the year (2010) and the day of the year (212), so you can pick particular dates – very useful to compare ground photos with satellite photos.
Now, you say you’ve not had contrails for 30 days, well, go back say 45 days or so, and step froward from there (click on the “next” botton at the top):
On 6/19 there you’ll see a band of high cirrus with a few contrails in and around it (click 500m or 250m to zoom in)
6/20 – cirrus and contrails,
6/21 – cirrus out to sea
6/22 – band of cirrus curves inland
6/23 – lots of cirrus cover, many inland contrails
6/24 – some inland cirrus, some contrails
6/26 – bands of cirrus
6/27 – clouds offshore, no cirrus onshore, no contrails
6/28 – same
6/29 – few clouds onshore
So, the 6/23 was probably the last big day of contrails that you saw, with a few since then. Going through all the shots in July shows that your area seems pretty much clear every day, as you said. But here you can look at the bg picture, and see that it’s clear because of the clouds staying offshore, and not because nobody is spraying.
In every case where there are contrails there are also cirrus clouds, usually in a band. Some days in July there ARE contrails, just not right over you. Like 7/29 for example, see contrails to the north.
Is it unusual? Have a look at last year, start on the same day (6/19) and work your way forward
Similar weather, just more variable.
It is clear that your only purpose in this life is to debunk the chemtrail operation. Need I say more? Have a shilling good day sir.
There is nothing to “debunk”. And it’s obvious that you don’t care about facts and truth. Enjoy living life afraid of your own shadow!
Flew over LA today around noon- large area of persistant contrails. Further east over Phoenix there was another larger area but it could only be seen from the air due to the overcast layer of storm blow-off below us.
Temps aloft were very close to normal today and it’s monsoon season in the SW.
kgb, not at all, I’ve got lots of other things to do. I actually spend far more time each day watching TV, yet that’s hardly my “only purpose in life” either.
Ain’t dat de troof.
I’m back after dining out down the plaza. Had a little tiff with the missus as usual. Now she’s retired to bed I’m back at the keyboard and flailing…
I’m kind of hoping for a severe intellectual challenge. Perhaps I should have picked some other subject. I mean “chemtrails”,”9-11″, “Creationism”, “NWO”, “Free Energy”- is there nothing else?
Well, there’s always religion. 🙂 (in general, not just creationism)
Oh, and homeopathy
Yeah. Come to think of it, my brother’s a “respected” astrologer…
Please speak to me. Please don’t leave me all on my own… 🙁
Oh come on, religion is based on faith not science. It is two different things. I don’t think religion is a bad thing even though Western culture is shunning it. Is our whole being just conciousness of the brain? It could be, but we all like happy endings. 🙂 I haven’t heard a lot about creationism, is that a political middle between religion and science? 🙂
Purposes in life other than hacking on a keyboard…… sounds a little hypocritical, after all one who writes that does the same thing in turn…
Uncinus, does psychological abuse count in the politness policy? 😀
These people are so ungrateful, they come here with the luck of conversing with pilots and so forth, and they do so with closed ears. Oh well, Captfitch has a lot of purpose in life, like flying people safely… Someone better think twice before they twitch their fingers across the keyboard.
Hello. This is for KGB. Yes, the summer months usually reflect warmer temperatures at altitude. Currently I have seen them averaging 10-13 degrees above normal International Standard Atmosphere Temp (ISA). In the winter, these usually drop to about ISA or below. Normal ISA at seal level is 59 degrees F / 15 degrees C and decreases approx 3.56F per 1,000 feet. I fly virtually every day as a major airline pilot and I haven’t seen contrails form below 40,000 feet in about 2 months. Occasionally they will form when the conditions are right between 35,000 and up, but lately it has been rare. That’s summer for you. Prior to May and back to November of 2009, contrail formation varied between 28,000 feet and above due to colder temperatures (seasonal). In your neck of the woods under J-1 (Jet Airway 1), most aircraft flying between LA/SD and SF to SEA and PDX will generate contrails between 30,000 -40,000 feet in the winter and spring months. However now, it is just too warm. Wait until October and they will once again return. Go to and type in KSIY (under Airport Code in AIRPORT INFO) to see who is flying over your area. I have hunders of hours flying right over your house above 30,000 feet going north to Seattle or South to LA. Sometimes you contrail, and sometimes you don’t. It all depends on temperature and relative humidity, that’s all. Furthermore, it can be 110F degrees in Redding, but can be minus 50C at 38,000 feet, so one cannot determine contrail formation simply based on ground temperature. There are too many variables in the atmosphere. Also, I have filmed many aircraft passing us at altitude (some leaving contrails and others not) on YouTube. My user is: wineandflyguy. Go look them up.
Where ya been Ryan? I keep trying to get some more pilots on here but they just laugh at it all. I’m glad you’ve been keeping such good notes on the temps and stuff- I just haven’t bothered and our plane automatically assumes the ‘pause sits at 360 so none of the ISA numbers are vary accurate for me above that. be safe out there
Ha, I’ve actually lost interest in the Chemtrail theory, because A) they don’t exist, B) I don’t have time to expalin to ignorant people why they don’t exist, and C) It makes me upset when I read text from “believers” who push theories that make absolutely no sense whatsover. Maybe that’s why so many airlines are painting their logo on the bottom of the fuselage, so when a “believer” looks up and sees a “chemtrail airplane”, they think, “wait a minute, that plane has the Qatar logo or Emirates, or Air Berlin in big letters written on the bottom. Hmm, I was wrong afterall… ” But seriously, the internet is full of tricks, photoshop, full-out lies, deception, etc. It’s up to you to determine what is false and what is not. Seeing contrails everyday (and spending most of my life now above 30,000 feet) I really see it all. Heck, I film it on YouTube, just go and see. So, for some person sitting in front of a computer who has zero flight time operating an aircraft, or has no idea what ISA is, and basically lives some 6 miles below all the action, they really have no credibility whatsoever. It’s equivalent to watching 2 ants fight on the ground while sitting on top of the Empire State Building and claiming who the winner is. That’s where I leave it. I just don’t have time to listen to uninformed, ignorant people who spread lies for pure amusement.
Take care,
I hear ya- and sometimes I almost walk away but for some reason (like watching a car wreck) I keep coming back. I guess I’m more interested in seeing how the debates play out more than discussing the actual issues but often the believers just post and run and I’ve yet to see someone actually spend some time rationaly discussing. But whatever, some day I’ll pull the plug.
Hey everyone! HAARP activity in China today! I just KNOW it…I feel it in my guts, I can’t be wrong….you shills!
This is my read on your site: You say it’s all a hoax and a figment of active imaginations? We’ve had this metallic fog for the last almost week and then rain yesterday. I left a clean bowl out last night in the rain. I tasted the water I collected a few minutes ago. It tasted similar to the stuff they used to spray on all the trees when I was a kid. I am regretting taking the taste. You, in your world, can poo-poo my perception of this global surprise. I am pretty sure that they are preparing to announce the possibilities of weather modification soon. They have been experimenting on the planet for more than ten years.
We sit around and wonder about our future, it doesn’t look to bright with idiot scientists denying the potential collapse of our food chains because of aerosols added to our stratosphere. People can be intellectual but not very wise. I think that sums you up. How much do you get paid for your website? How do you explain the near daily persistent contrails that effect our sun light? Me thinks you know more than you say. Hows cancer gonna suit ya? No worries, huh?
Hi Nancy. Can you tell why you think the metallic taste is related to contrails? And if it got in your bowl, then would it not also get in the water supply? Surely everyone would be complaining?
There’s lots of talk about the possibility of geoengineering in the future – but zero evidence that anyone is actually doing it right now.
Nancy, you ask “How do you explain the near daily persistent contrails…”
Have your read this website at all?
Uncinus, you quote “A standard literature survey confirmed that dihydrogen monoxide is clearly a toxic hazard worthy of serious concern and attention.”
This is not a hoax, it’s true: DHMO is a widely used industrial solvent that is widely present in the environment. Ingestion can cause immediate death. People who are exposed to DHMO have a significant probability of later developing cancer. Other health problems in people who are exposed to DHMO are widespread also.
Yet the government will not take action. It is thought that this is because banning the use of DHMO as an industrial solvent would significantly reduce the profits of many large corporations. So the facts about DHMO are being systematically suppressed. Too many gullible people listen to the so-called “experts” who attempt to explain away the facts about DHMO. Don’t be fooled by them.
Joe, are you serious about banning DHMO? I heard that there are good uses for it, too.
Yes, there are legitimate uses, and it can’t be banned completely. What needs to be done, at the very least, is to regulate industrial discharge of DHMO into our rivers and streams. Currently there is no such regulation and industry can dump their used DHMO anywhere they want. All of this dumped DHMO shows up in the environment.
But this won’t happen under the current campaign of government and business interests to cover up the entire problem. They don’t care about the health of the people. In fact, as someone mentions above, DHMO might be a component of chemtrail spray. I think that this is true because I left a bowl out during a particularly heavy day of PCs and there was significant DHMO contamination in the liquid that I collected.
You’ve got no proof that DHMO came from a contrail. It could have just as easily been naturally occurring DHMO. While it’s true that jet exhaust does contain significant amount of DHMO, it would take a very long time to reach the ground. If you measure the amount of DHMO in Lake Shasta, for example, it’s an almost meaningless measurement, as much of that would be natural, and only a tiny fraction from contrails.
You entertain this DHMO crap but can’t handle a few references to 9/11 when it’s CLEARLY demonstrating the fact that someone doesn’t require evidence for their beliefs?!
Seriously, just ban my ip…and the same with my work ip.
Where can I get a good DHMO detector?
Uncinus, I cannot answer you logically so let me say this instead: There’s no way you would have taken the huge amount of time and energy to put together this site full of sophisticated disinformation if someone wasn’t paying you. As a matter of fact, you are probably working for the government agency that is behind chemtrails and behind the suppression of the truth about DHMO, and probably behind untold other secret measures to undermine the health of the public.
I sort of concur with faith on this one. Don’t let DHMO talk occur either. Although it’s a few posts for fun it strays off topic and is a waste of time. That and someone might actually believe some of it.
Jimmy and Joe are the same people aren’t they.
No, capfitch.
I really think Joe doesn’t know what h20 is.
Seriously now, DHMO talk is mostly about humour, but it’s also a useful illustration, as it’s unequivocal as to what what it actually is. It’s a very direct illustration of the problem of taking claims at face value, or judging issues on nomenclature and language rather than actuality.
WTC7 on the other hand is simply another reflection of the “paranoid style”. Discussing WTC7 with a true believer is futile, ESPECIALLY if you want to use it as a way of illuminating their erroneous use of the scientific method as it pertains to contrails.
If I allow WTC discussion then all of a sudden I’m going to have a hundred comment argument on stupid trivia like the amount of diesel stored there, and how long it would burn for, and what people heard, and then pages more of detailed point-by-point rebuttals. All of which has been repeated elsewhere, all of which has been very clearly explained elsewhere.
Repeating all that is NOT going to “remind” anyone that they lack an education, or that their reasoning processes are faulty. It’s just, in the context of chemtrails, noise.
DHMO, now that’s something that, even if someone takes initially it seriously, you can explain in two seconds. It’s transformed from noise to, at best, an amusing illustration of certain problems with the paranoid style, and at worst to an embarrassing reminder to check your facts before forming an solid opinion.
I for one could use a glass of dihydrogenmonoxide right now, maybe with some penthydrogenbicarbonmonoxidemonohydrogen mixed in.
Don’t ban faith, I enjoy his input. If people don’t like him, I think that’s tough, but still he has a right to post. Also if people are offended with him, I think they associate that with him more than the site. Unless we assume people are more primitive than we initially thought. I think the politeness rule is good, but to be fair it has to be respected by both sides. Those who really believe in the chemtrails just come here and drop shill bombs and run. They don’t read, learn, or debate.
I am at the same position as Captfitch and Ryan, just out of morbid curiousity. I was brought to the attention of this by a friend who believes in it. This is just embarrassing theory and this site should be a skywatcher enthusiast site instead of having to explain to knuckle heads their thought processes are far from normal. If anyone had an inkling of common sense they wouldn’t even have to ask.
I personally don’t hate even the believers… It won’t stop me from trying to slap the stupid out of them. We all believed in something silly in life. This site has all the information, but you see those who are deep into the nonsense just call it shill work and misinformation. They barely come here. Those who are confused are the ones who get set straight. People should never take answers that are based only off of assumptions.
Uncinus is right, it’s not just humor, there’s a practical point being made in the humor which is that people just won’t bother to think scientifically and analyze claims rationally intead of emotionally. The site was put up to point that out( There’s a whole lot of DHMO-think on this site, people who go into arm-waving mode without trying at *all* to understand the applicable science upon which a *rational* discussion must be based.
Look, DHMO is just silly nonsense and can be explained in half a second that it’s “water”. Why waste time and space even entertaining such nonsense?! At least discussion about 9/11 is about a REAL thing! And I had ZERO intention of getting into “diesel tank storage” or anything like it! In fact, I knew for sure that if I just asked for EVIDENCE about any of the claims made about 9/11, he would get the point and stop with the unrelated nonsense! Or at least change the subject to persistent contrails! I have absolutely NO DESIRE to discuss 9/11, in detail, with anyone! Especially some moron who OBVIOUSLY hasn’t got the education to back his claims. You didn’t even give me the chance to make my point before you “commanded” that it stop and used your power of censorship!
That point being that EVIDENCE is essential when making a claim and without it, one looks like an idiot! And that point REALLY needs to be made MUCH more often than it is!
Why do you give a rat’s ass about what two individuals are discussing as part of the truth?! I’d assume you would be happy to know that conspiracy nuts are discussing ANYTHING here instead of the usual “hit and run” they usually do! There is absolutely NO DIALOG between you and ANY “chemtrail” believer. So stop suggesting that my “insults” (calling a spade a spade) matters in the least or that a few sentences about 9/11 is anything to get upset about.
If a chemtard refers to me as a “shill” or a “liar”, they are going to get an earful (eyeful?!) themselves. Tit for tat… There is absolutely NO WAY that I’m going to coddle them! Yeah, I get it that this is your little pet project and you want it to run YOUR way…and you have every right…but, you really need to loosen the reins!
You are dealing with irrational beings here and “normal” lines of communication are NOT an effective option with them! If they want to “use” 9/11 to make a point, why NOT use 9/11 to show that they use flawed logic to build their belief system?! If they aren’t going to understand the facts about engineering/progressive collapse, what makes you think they are going to understand air saturation and jet engines?!
Remember, these are conspiracy theorists. In their minds, this evil site exists to confuse people and manipulate them into becoming sheep! It’s NOT an effective tool to combat ignorance! It’s simply, in their minds, another planted speed-bump that they encounter in the quest for truth. Why NOT make the best of it and entertain ANY silly nonsense they use to prove their ridiculous points? It’s about discussion…isn’t it?! Or, did you just “hope” that posting facts and figures would be enough to show these people that their youtube education just aint cutting it?! It’s not enough..
Also, you COULD HAVE given the discussion a bit more time to see the direction it would have taken. Instead, you slammed your iron fist down immediately and nipped it in the bud. You have ultimate control, couldn’t you have let 5 posts with 9/11 in it so one could make a point?! You could have monitored the thread and given warnings if things got out of hand or if there were too many posts. And why do you care about “100 post arguments” if the POINT of the argument is to show how a chemtrail hoax believer has a propensity for believing in (ridiculous) nonsense?!
You said it yourself…”Discussing WTC7 (you can replace WTC7 with ANY belief) with a true believer is futile”. We KNOW we will NEVER succeed in educating these folks. So why all the “structure” and rules when it suits YOU!? If you think, for one second, that you have helped ANYONE learn the facts about persistent contrails, to the point they don’t “believe” in “chemtrails” (or to where they even slightly doubt their beliefs), you are as delusional as any typical “chemtrail” hoax believer. THAT is a fact, and if you have any evidence to prove me wrong, please provide it!
I understand that it’s cool to have a website and be the supreme ruler. But, stop suggesting that you have accomplished anything more than posting truth about persistent contrails. Those who understand the facts know you are correct. Those who don’t, “believe” you are some sort of paid shill. You are NOT the healer of souls you seem to think you are!
The only reason I bother posting here is because I have no character limit as I do on youtube. I thought it would be a great place to discuss the facts with people, but your lopsided politeness policy and heavy handed style turns me off. Until you ban me, I will argue with others about the points THEY FUCKING BRING UP, and I will defend myself when insulted.
Great stuff, faith. 🙂
Sometimes, like today, the only clouds in the sky are what the newer school books call, “persistent spreading contrails.” I am against this water-vapor because it blocks the sun.
[ADMIN: block text replaced with source:]
What did the the older books call them?
Oh, the older books? The older books did not discuss mammatus clouds.
This is the link for you:
Using facebook and the local newspaper, I have had many friends read this article lately. After they read the article, I send them to this site:
and they are thanking me for the example. A little too much gusto for a “hobby” my friend. No hard feelings, we all play our part!
Check out Popular Science, Feb 1916, Page 240:
and May 1944 – Page 62
Or this fine photo from 1948
Denialism eh?
Have you always been there, or did you “Go West” as a young man! Wouldn’t it be great if the persistent spreading contrails were made of “gravy?” MMmmm-mmmmm!!
Ryan, I’d be happy to discuss some science with you. Are you serious claiming that mammatus clouds are a recent phenomena? Or are you just messing about?
A little of both, I suppose. We’re actually doing a show right now, discussing the earlier article I posted. We could not think of a better site to actually show. Smile, you’re on camera! Before we go on a quick virtual tour, could you tell my audience about how you do not get paid for this site, and how it is a hobby of yours? We’d love to hear all about it!
How I don’t get paid for it? I have elderly relatives that spend all day watching “soapies”, I don’t get paid for this in the same way they don’t get paid for that.
Most elderly people who watch soapies all day receive a check from the government!
No check for me, unfortunately.
How am I supposed to believe an article that tells me everything is a lie?
Boom boom.
Funny…if you read the article on “Disinfo”- it says disinfo agents “sidetrack with name calling and ridicule”…
My experience is that is a well used tactic amongst purveyors of conspiracy…and if you are not with them you are a “debunker” or a “disinfo agent” or a “shill”- God forbid you simply disagree with them.
of the 25 rules and 8 traits of disinfo as delineated by that article….I am hard pressed to find a single one that applies to this site or Uncinus….
Can you find any Ryan?
ryan said;” Oh, the older books? The older books did not discuss mammatus clouds. ”
So…is that Avoidance? or Selectivity? …or #17 “Change the subject”
its kind of creepy how many of these supposed tenets of “disinfo” I see Believers of “chemtrails” practicing on a daily basis.
I think Ryan was probably confusing Mammatus clouds with Undulatus Asperatus, which actually were not discussed in the the older books as they are a new refinement of the cloud classification system.
The evidence of an ongoing Geoengineering project is quite apparent , if not blatently obvious . were it not , there would be no need for disinfo channels such as this .
So the people who are responsible for the Geoengineering are also responsible for this site? Why are they allowing your posts to show up? Why not just erase them?
And if it’s so blatantly obvious, then why does nobody notice it?
There are how many weather mod projects going on in the world? People have been so complacent living in their own little worlds driven by greed and the constant distractions of every day life (surviving) and don’t forget Joe six pack all he will notice is the next game. I have worked outdoors all my life and I noticed these so called persistent contrails before I had seen any videos of chemtrails.
There are thousands of weather modification projects around the world, and there have been for many decades, with no secrecy. However they don’t look anything like white trails in the blue sky. Those trails are contrails. Have a look at the history of cloud seeding in the news
And weather modification:
ruffneck, what year did you first notice the persistent contrails? While I could maybe agree that a hypothetical “Joe six pack” might be fooled into not noticing the sky has changed, it seems highly unlikely that all the millions of independent scientists in the world have also failed to notice.
I’m sorry but this picture from clearly shows the smoke from silver iodide flares burned in place on a plane creating a “white trail in the sky”

Good catch, however it’s above the clouds, so you would not be able to see it from the ground. You can only see the trail for maybe 50 feet, there’s no indication it would leave a long white trail.
Cloud seeding is not cloud creating. It’s about making existing clouds more productive. That’s why all the photos you see of cloud seeding show existing clouds. That’s why I said “in the blue sky”. The sky is always blue above the clouds.
The basic point is that weather modification by cloud seeding, as has been practiced for the last 60 years, is not some terrible secret, it’s something that’s been done quite openly. It also does not resemble the photos and videos that people say are “chemtrails”
That trail looks nothing like what people claim are “chemtrails”- nor is it “sprayed” its burned.
Typical cloud seeding has several application methods- burn in place flares like the ones shown here. Ejected flares from a plane or ejected flares from ground cannons.
Any way it is applied the silver iodide does not persist, spread and cover the sky in a haze of man-made cirrus clouds.
This website has done judo-flipped its purpose right on its head. We have a few volunteers making some timelines to show how extensive this “hobby” is. The best thing about it is that Uncinus has no choice but to keep doing this, he can’t quit.
The more somebody denies something that isn’t supposed to exist, the more credence they give to it. I love it. All you gotta do is check this site, then come back in a few months and take a step back and a good look. Its like a kid explaining to his parents that he did not steal cookies, but instead of shutting up, he keeps on explaining how he didn’t do it, and after a year of explaining, nobody believes him.
If there were a site that devoted this much time and energy into explaining how Sasquatch does not exist, I’d have to seriously consider that he may indeed exist. I mean, why put so much time and effort into explaining that something does not exist? It will become even more obvious as this site continues. In March 2011, this site will cease to be, though.
Uncinus, are you willing to devote a few years of your life to make a website that explains how leprechauns do not exist? What a nut! A true conspiracy whack-job, you are.
Uncinus said, “No check for me, unfortunately”
This is a very telling statement. Why is it unfortunate? Uncinus implies that he would like to receive money for his “work.” But where would the money come from? He has unwittingly admitted that it would be nice to get paid, and also admitted that there would be a payer. No check for me, unfortunately. What a great statement, and very telling. Uncinus, I’m going to level with you. You may already know, but you are close to being replaced. Next time, answer with, “Who would pay me for this?” You are getting old. You will be replaced soon.
Well, by that measure then I guess everything Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and Clifford Carnicom say must be wrong too 🙂
Gosh – I thought the topic was “Fake, Hoax, Chemtrail Videos”.
Instead, it’s ad hominems with hapless Uncinus as recipient.
They must be a really good diversion from fake, hoax, chemtrail videos.
With respect to “You are getting old. You will be replaced soon”, I too will be gone, but shan’t have lived my life having said it to ANYONE.
That’s right.
Ryan- I don’t know what Uncinus does but I’m an on call pilot. I fly every now and then but mostly just sit around the hotel or FBO being really bored. I would actually spend more time on here but no one has presented a reasonable debate yet. It’s always name calling and drive-by-postings.
And yes- I wish someone would pay me to post here.
You assert that our persistant time here only points to the fact that we are trying to cover up the truth about chemtrails. I actually sometimes think that the chemtrail believers are spending too much time trying to convince us otherwise. If you really thought they were real you should be spending more time protecting yourself or finding a way to stop them. I’m also worried that most of it is flame baiting.
Ryan, you say “Uncinus, are you willing to devote a few years of your life to make a website that explains how leprechauns do not exist?”
Personally, I think that would be fun if many hundreds of people believed that leprechauns not only existed but were an active part of a government conspiracy.
Uncinus, going after homeopathy is too tame. Go after the anti-vaccination movement instead. Much more rabid. And there is a Conspiracy factor too, in that Big Pharma wants to suppress the truth about the dangers of vaccination in order to preserve their profits from vaccines.
Your a government employee, your a dis-info agent, your a joke.
Even if he was…doesn’t make anything on this site untrue.
Please point out errors of fact.
“Your a government employee, your a dis-info agent, your a joke.”
And you’re (notice the spelling, PLEASE) an idiot who pretends to understand the science that easily proves you wrong.
Nothing on this site is a lie, except for the contents of YOUR post!
You are a lost sheep who follows OTHER people who have FAILED to understand simple and basic science.
Mags, please learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”. And after you have learned basic English, you can move on to basic science.
Nothing on this site is a personal claim from the person who created it. It’s scientific fact that easily prove you and your friends…..WRONG!
LOL!!! )))
They say we are brainwashed drones of the government, yet they all use the same terms and are resemble more of a cult. These one time commenters are all the same.
Here’s the latest article from G. Edward Griffin the producer of “What In the World Are They Spraying” about the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. Just shows how not knowing some basic facts can lead to some silly conclusions.
As I watched the planes spraying corexit on the gulf it made me think about how easy it is to do just that, without consulting any of the little people about the effects it might have on us and the rest of the planet. It is a good thing that we still have people that question the powers that be and maybe one day we will get answers but that is usually about 33 years down the road.
Cloud formations are forming at 40 to 60 thousand feet depending on region, atmosphere isn’t as high in polar regions. They are leaving out supersaturated air. They have no understanding of pressure and how it also has a role in condensing and crystalizing liquids. Barometric pressure increases allowing condensation to increase. It is apparent they failed all their science classes. They before used to write that contrails from WWII planes weren’t contrails, but smoke form combustion engines, I see they conceded this failed attempt. Now they are saying they flew lower altitudes where more moisture resides. After each comment, what are they spraying? GOD!!! Since when did they provide any evidence of it!!! Oh they did, saved for last….
“Those in denial can usually concoct some near-plausible explanation for everything mentioned so far, but there is no escaping the reality of a chemical analysis of rain water, snow pack, and plant absorption of compounds of aluminum, barium, strontium, and similar metals that are extreme hazards to the environment and health”
in denial? That is assuming I am in disbelief. I am not in disbelief because I know enough to know they are selling nonsense, the same as a fortune teller with a crystal ball does. Their concoct a near plausible is just their dogmatic term for saying there is explanations to everything they say, but they won’t get to sell their DVD if you believe it. Dogma…. Now onto their last final evidence… The same everlasting point they all make. Their analysis they make. They already realize the KSLA has been already refuted so they make their own analysis of air samples, ground samples, rain water samples. They just don’t understand, likely never will, (Even worse if they do, but just enjoy deceiving to fool others to sell DVD’s), that no matter what, these samples taken will NEVER EVER EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR tell is the what is contained in a contrail. It just comes back saying materials present… It only says present, no CORRELATIONS!!!!!!! Your tests only can say it was present in what you took it from. Rain absorbs particulates on its journey back down to earth!!!! How the hell do you think acid rain is formed? Carbonic Acid Rain, due to forest fires struck here… Does one not think industrial polluntants will be found? Does one not think the elements are found naturally in the environment? Oh the humanity… What are they spraying? Stupidity… all for just $19.50.
Let us be thankful for fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.-Mark Twain
I even forgot to mention the point about pilots… Why aren’t they listed and what questions were they asked exactly? Because the pilots I know and the ones here will all say that EVERY damn pattern shown is explainable and is not against any regulation. Aircraft go into holding patterns, the flight paths aren’t exact, the air traffic crosses each other. I never heard such loads of crap in all of my life. Okay, I will create my own hearsay evidence for other theorists to use. I was in ВВС России, officer… We had a secret meeting with extra terrestrial beings. We exchanged knowledge. It was a top secret meeting. I was stationed in Kubinka and was brought urgently to Moscow. This is true. Add that to your conspiracies as fact. *rolls eyes*
Why don’t we have an edit function to fix grammatical errors? ( Not all of us are native English.. (((
To force you to raise your standards. 🙂
Not that I want you to. I can imagine your Russki accent, and what you write is fine.
High standards exposes the fallibility of man. We can’t always be perfect. 🙂 аааааа вы представте мой русский акцент)))))))) But it is easier to do if I drop articles and other intricacies of the English language. I learn you Russian today. We start very good!!! (that would be perfect example of Russian English) Learn meaning teach. Учить )) Russians often misuse proper words because uchit means learn and teach. )))
I think the two videos by pogopoint99 are the best evidence of chemtrails ever recorded. It’s an outrage that they are found in a post entitled “Fake, Hoax, Chemtrail Videos”. An outrage! Shame on you.
They are certainly up there. 🙂