Some people believe that the government is spraying something into the air, and this creates unsual looking contrails. They call these “chemtrails”. Now, there is no real evidence that “chemtrails” are real, but there are several myths on the internet about “chemtrails”. All these myths can very easily be shown to be false, and I’ve gathered the most popular myths here as a little time-saver for the person who has encountered “chemtrails” for the first time.
Myth #1 – Normal contrails don’t last very long, but “chemtrails” last for hours and sometimes spread out.
False – Contrails fade away, or persist, or even spread out to cover the sky, depending on the weather conditions. you can confirm this by looking in an encyclopedia. such as the Encyclopædia Britannica
[Contrails] may last for several hours. The trail may be distorted by the winds, and sometimes it spreads outwards to form a layer of cirrus cloud.
For more info on this myth, read “Persisting and Spreading contrails”
Myth #2 – Contrails have been observed to persist and spread when the humidity was too low, so they must be “chemtrails”
False – Nobody has ever measured low humidity within a persisting contrail. The fact is it is very difficult to measure humidity in a specific region at a specific altitude, at a given time, the best you can do is make a rough prediction. Measurements are made by weather balloons at just a few stations that average 235 miles apart, at 12 hour intervals, and then local predictions are extrapolated from this. The weather balloons can drift as much as 100 miles in their ascent, so you never know where the measurements are coming from. Humidity can vary by as much as 80% in a 12 hour period, and vary by similar amount over just a few miles. The fact that the contrail is spreading is actually a far more accurate indicator of high humidity than the available humidity predictions. NASAs own experiments (right) show persisting contrails over a large range of calculated humidities, even down to 10%.
Myth #3 – Long lasting contrails have appeared in “parallel lines”, “grid” and “X” formations, which are not normal, so must be “chemtrails.
False. Well, the last bit is false. Yes, contrails make all kinds of patterns in the sky, simply because there are a lot of planes flying overhead, and they fly in all directions. This is pretty much a function of where you live, and the prevailing winds. For example, if you live the Willamette Valley, Oregon, the overflying planes are nearly all North/South, so you’ll get parallel lines. If you live live in more central place, like North Texas, you’ll get planes flying overhead in every direction, so you will get “X” patterns (and “H” and “grids”). If there’s enough wind, and the trails last long enough, then the grid might spread out to cover the sky.
Myth #4 – A bill to ban chemtrails was introduced into congress by Dennis Kucinich, but quickly had chemtrails edited out.
False – HR 2977 was written by a bunch of UFO enthusiasts intent on exposing a conspiracy to suppress alien technology. Dennis Kucinich did not write the bill, he not know what chemtrails were, and when he found out, he distanced himself from that language. The bill was re-written in order that it might pass. See the full article: Kucinich, Chemtrails and HR 2977.
Myth #5 – Public Law 105-85 gives the military permission to experiment with chemical and biological weapons on humans, without their consent
False – 105-85, Sec. 1078, actually prevents experiments except for peaceful purposes, and those can only be performed if informed consent is obtained from each test subject. It’s basically the same procedure as for human drug trials.
Those myths are really the basis of the “chemtrail” conspiracy theory. There is more, of course, like the halos and sun-dogs that you sometimes see (normal atmospheric optical effects), the dark lines (shadows of varying types), the stuff on the ground (unconnected). But these things really get to the heart of 99% of the chemtrail argument. After they are dispensed with, the theory holds about as much water as alien mind-control implants.
Let me know if you’ve got something else you’d like investigating, and I might add it here.
Just leave a comment below.
And look at those graphs. Air traffic doubled between 1985 and 1995. So contrails doubled. So people were more likely to notice them. When people notice something for the first time, then by definition they have not noticed it before. So you get some people noticing persistent contrails for the first time. Then in the late 90’s a theory spreads over the internet that the trails are a big government plot, and so you suddenly get a load of people (who are already very suspicious of the government) looking at these trails for the first time.
Then what happens? They keep seeing them because they think it’s part of this huge plot. They don’t remember seeing them before they first noticed them, so they conclude that they must be new. They ignore evidence. They agree on this mistake. On it goes.
Here, look at this. Someone is so convinced by their version of reality that they accuse me of faking a book. Even though they then order the same book off the internet, and it’s the same as mine, they then conclude that all the copies available on the second-hand book stores on the internet are also fake.
Do you think I’m faking books? I’m guessing no, but you can see how some people have this huge desire not to be wrong once they have made up their minds. To the extent that they reject all contrary evidence as fake.
That article from 1950 is an isolated incident and it goes to show how rare and out of the ordinary the persistent contrail was..
Those graphs only display passenger data. There is no data there that explains the exact number of flights and planes in the air. I dont think that an almost bankrupt industry can afford to NOT reduce the amount of flights..
So is it weather conditions or the number of flights that produce the persistent contrail?
You don’t need my ten point list, you know the exact reasons why people believe this theory..
Uncinus – you haven’t pointed out that tankerenemy.blogspot are the exact same people that created the false “Inside a Chemical Spray Plane” video from the picture series on the Boeing 777 Long-Range Prototype.
You know, the one showing the water barrels for adjusting the CG. I’ve seen it elsewhere on your site.
These guys are VERY mendacious – they truly ARE “lying for Jesus”…
Weather conditions allow planes to form persistent contrails. More flights mean more contrails.
No, I think YOU need the list. Despite the fact that persistent contrails spreading out to cover the sky have been a common sight since the 1970s, and despite the fact that no scientist or meteorologist has reported any unexpected change in the frequency or persistence of contrails, then you believe that some contrails are part of a world-wide conspiracy. And you believe this simply because more people started noticing persistent contrails after the theory was published and spread on the internet in 1999?
I have been thinking, No matter what you say, or pretend to know, or how much credit you think you have, these contrails are chemtrails. If there is exhaust in it, it is a chemtrail. No question or debate about it. There is simply no other way to look at it. We all go about our days with these giant chemical exhaust contrail clouds hanging above us covering the entire sky. Someone who as studied this as much as you should have arrived at this conclusion a long time ago. The debate is over, you should be ashamed of yourself for not becoming an activist about this toxic pollution, there should be a section on your site that explains to people that these Chemtrails are very bad for us..
You will say why not be mad at car exhaust?
Well, if cars left Thick White Lines that stretched for 30 miles and spread out and completely covered the ground level with a white haze, you bet your ass it would be a problem…
It is time to broaden the debate, chemtrails are now official….
Creating a new word for something does not change anything. Scientists are well aware of the chemical makeup of aircraft exhaust, and nobody has ever tried to hide it.
But that’s not what people are arguing. They are not saying that chemtrails are contrails, they are saying that chemtrails are NOT contrails. They argue that they are two different things. I argue, like you, that chemtrails are just contrails.
Now if you want to discuss the polluting effects of aircraft exhaust, then that’s fine. But why use a word for contrails that is generally used to identify things that are not contrails? Why not call contrails: contrails, and call aircraft exhaust: aircraft exhaust.
Do you know why contrails are white and car exhaust is invisible? Does this indicate they are different? Can you think of a situation where car exhaust is white?
Is there a place in the world where car exhaust spreads out and completely covers the ground level with a white haze? Actually yes, and it’s in the United States, at certain times of the year.
Nice reply Uncinus, keep up the good work!
My side of the debate is over. There simply is no justification for what you do….
your debates are so weak too… You give all these isolated rare examples and your pals all jump on your band wagon like you have some profound thoughts.. But you don’t, -48 degrees is way different then White Thick Lines that hang in the Chicago sky 3 to four times a week…
What honestly is your agenda?
Ah, I think I see your problem now. You don’t know that the higher you go, the colder it gets, and that right now, it’s -48 degrees at 32,000 feet over Chicago (see below). Chicago, as you know, is pretty damp. So the dampness, the cold, the large amount of air traffic, this gives you White Thick Lines, EXACTLY LIKE those in Alaksa, but in the air.
you’re funny.. Obviously I know that the temperature is much colder the higher you go up. And I understand that we know how contrails are created.
But you have a picture of a car driving in a SNOWSTORM? What does that have to do with cars and or planes leaving Thick White Lines?
Like I’ve said earlier, the debate is now broader and for someone who dedicates SO much time to debunking people who feel that they see something that is Truly bad for us. I feel that if you were the great person you claim to be you would address this.
Simple Logic:
1. Contrails under rare and very specific weather conditions can form long persistent LINES (trails)
2. Exhaust from the planes binds with the water molecules thus suspending CHEMICALS into the LINES that are in turn suspended above our heads and eventually fall down to the ground.
Hence the term CHEMTRAIL.. You can’t beat that logic.. So as a person who spends SO much time on this subject, you should really be informing people of the REALITY of this problem..
Be a good human being and spread truth and positivity…
I re read a few of your arguments, you sound confused. Your right, they are all contrails! A chemtrail is a contrail in its essence. That is the beauty of the argument.
I want to see proof that they aren’t Chemtrails?
They are all contrials, but proove that they aren’t a secret conspiracy. Lets see your proof on that?
I’ve written a longer post explaining it. The car is not actually in a snowstorm, it’s in “ice fog”, which is a ground level overcast caused by car contrails. See:
I’m confused? I though you were claiming that “chemtrails” were actually different to contrails? So you are claiming there is a huge conspiracy to make chemtrails, which are actually exactly the same as contrails? That does not make any sense. You can only have “chemtrails” if they are DIFFERENT to contrails. Otherwise it’s just another word for the same thing. Like suddenly saying that car exhaust is “car chemxaust” and hence there’s a huge conspiracy.
You’ve got me there. I can’t prove it. It’s impossible to prove.
However, it’s very possible to point out that there is NO evidence to support your theory, and LOTS of evidence against it.
Think about it. You claim that there is a secret conspiracy to make more contrails. You must have some reason for that. You must have some evidence.
I think there is probably not any conspiracy to make more contrails, and that the contrails are just a normal byproduct of jet traffic. I’ve presented lots of evidence to support this, which I’ve already listed.
So, what’s your evidence?
Actually- this is not a very accurate statement. Conditions for persistent contrails (regions of ice supersaturation) are much more frequent than “rare”. Some estimates are as high as 40% of the time – depending on latitude and time of year…
Moreover, the “very specific” conditions are actually a range of parameters that include not only the ambient conditions but also aircraft specific variables such that a number of contrail possibilities can arise for any specific location/condition.
Also these persistent “LINES” often spread and merge with other trails and can cover the entire sky in a haze of cirrus clouds…
which is funny…cuz that it what “chemtrails” supposedly do…
Uncinus, you have the patience of a saint. I dearly hope that most of these chemtrail believers are not yet in High Schoool. That would make my already low opinion of the teaching of science to go into the negative I fear. I chuckled from the moment I began noticing the chemtrail phenomena a few years ago. I am one of those few oddballs who has stared up at contrails from the time I was a kid in the late 50s/early60s and I still do. The phenomena created by water and air due to variation of temperature, pressure, and humidity continue to amaze me. Nothing different that I can see up there except more vehicles flying around. Keep up the good fight- this is an entertaining site.
How can you shoot people down when they are only concerned with something that is bad for us.
Contrails and the exhaust are BAD, how can you not put some of your efforts into informing people that come to you about this fact?
They see chemtrails and think they are harmful to us, you see contrails and don’t inform anyone of their HARM?
Because jet exhaust is basically the same thing as car exhaust. Nobody is trying to hide that, and really it’s fairly obvious – gasoline and jet fuel (kerosene) are pretty similar.
Really though, this site is about the visible contrails, which are made of ice.
I’m not saying contrails are good for you, just that they are the same as they have always been, and not a symptom of some huge conspiracy.
99% of aircraft exhaust is identical to YOUR personal exhaust when you breathe out, namely carbon dioxide and water. Is that BAD?
If any plants could speak, they’d say “Certainly not!”
The remaining 1% bears a relationship to volcanic emissions. There are 1500 active surface volcanoes on the Earth, and 10,000 beneath the oceans. They are not controllable at all!
The truth is that scientists CANNOT YET DETECT (for sure) any effect which aviation might have upon our surroundings. In engineering jargon, such effects are “within the noise”.
I think you may conclude that if the experts cannot identify any effect attributable to aircraft exhaust, then it is not yet BAD.
Perhaps that is why Uncinus hasn’t said so either…
I’m amazed at how much grace you have shown to people who come to *your* website and just attack you endlessly and disrespectfully without even knowing who you are or even addressing your claims. I’m saddened that the value of the scientific method and basing observations on data seems to escape so many people. People think of science and reason as a threat to their daily life, as someone making up a bunch of jargon just to talk over their head. I don’t know what can be done to resolve that or if these are simply just victims of a more general paranoia.
Yesterday, here on the Oregon Coast, apparently the conditions for chem….contrail formation were perfect because they filled the sky from horizon to horizon.
If I were to film all day, when contrails seem to ‘stick’, and all day when they aren’t being formed, would I observe the same traffic, following the same flight paths [approximately]?
“99% of aircraft exhaust is identical to YOUR personal exhaust when you breathe out, namely carbon dioxide and water. Is that BAD?
If any plants could speak, they’d say “Certainly not!”
The remaining 1% bears a relationship to volcanic emissions. There are 1500 active surface volcanoes on the Earth, and 10,000 beneath the oceans. They are not controllable at all!”
JazzRoc-Are you still a subscriber to the global warming hoax? A hoax that I believe slanders humans! 🙂
Your argument here seems to suggest CO2 is not the biggest threat to the world and humanity as had been reported in the media.
Approximately, yes, planes tend to follow the same flight paths. But they don’t have to, and the paths (“Victor Airways”) are about ten miles wide. In Oregon most the traffic you see will be North/South
Check out the satellite photos for yesterday:
Volcanoes are interesting, in a somewhat scary way. It would only take one good eruption to plunge the world into a kind of nuclear autumn, check out the 1816 “year without a summer”,
And the less drastic, but still globe-altering, Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991
We can’t stop the volcanoes, and it’s inevitable that there will be more eruptions in the future, with similar results. Still, we can do something about greenhouse gases.
Anyway, back to contrails – which themselves are thought to have an effect on the weather, but it’s unclear what their net effect on the climate is.
At about 1:00 into this short video it describes the delivery of biological weapons over a small island. Now the video appears to be showing a fighter jet spraying the aerosolized viruses, or is this a normal contrail?
Uncinus-In the ‘Life’ photos, what was the approximate altitude of the contrails left by the allied aircraft? I would have thought they would have flown quite a bit lower than the commercial jets fly today. And in the ‘Life’ photos, don’t the vertical vapor trails form under almost all weather conditions?
The video quality is not really good enough to tell what type of trail it is.
Probably anything from 20,000 to 35,000 feet. Have a look a the service ceiling of some WWII planes:
Spitfire fighter: 35,000 feet
Lancaster Bomber: 23,500 feet
Obviously the contrails would only form at lower altitudes in cold weather. The bombers tend to have lower ceilings, and many contrail photos are of fighters, often escorting bombers from above, like this:

There is contradictory evidence that the globe is warming. Glaciers are shrinking, too, and that’s plain evidence, but what of?
CO2 isn’t a poison (unless you are surprised by an upwelling lake!). It’s part of life…
I’m more worried about the levels of sulphates and nitrates present in the atmosphere as a consequence of anthropogenic combustion.
My Dear Uncinus,
I am always compelled to write to people regarding their site as a compliment to their hard work in pursuing their hobby, or whatever.
I found your site by wanting to research regarding the opposing views of ‘chemtrails’.
Now I am a mature man who has lived in the UK and Australia (WA) for many years. I have had jobs ranging, from one reason or another, Shipping Clerk, exploration for oil (Australia) until finally ending up teaching students with disabilities. I have written on many subjects over the years since I was very young. This is only to ‘prove’ that I am an all-rounder.
I need to admit this: I also was convinced that contrails were ‘chemtrails’. The problem is, that it becomes a bit of an obsession. We know, those of us who have a brain that works, that there are plenty of conspiracies, of that there can be no doubt, ever since Man started to walk on the planet. However, the psychology is often one of a herd instinct. Man, does not always believe what he sees, therefore, he believes what he doesn’t. Hence some sort of religion (not necessarily a ‘god/godess’ one).
Having read a deal from your site (and especially the comments) it is obvious, that the time and patience that you try to engender, has, at least, convinced some of those of us who have succumbed to the nonsense regarding contrail/chemtrail, been a success. For this, I must applaud you as I would any student of mine for having made that realisation.
Having not observed the phenomena of contrails, which you explain so eruditely, around Perth (WA) for nearly fifteen years and then seeing this activity in the UK on my return, I think it was the un-aesthetic appearance of the skies that worried me.
Somehow, during research on the Internet (which I do regularly on scientific/health issues) I must have come upon the notion of ‘chemtrails’ and, as they say, taken it on board.
Your site has allayed any fears I might have unreasonably made and I sincerely thank you.
Your readers need to explore your site more thoroughly. It is obvious from the way that they mutilate the English language (and American English, if you must) and the grammar of English (my tongue and may I say my forte). These correspondents cannot function in the capital letter or proper spelling, thereby losing all credibility, whatever they say that might be pertinent or of value. Those writers, of course, who rely merely upon denigration, name-calling or outright expletive are simply a waste of their time and life.
I will sign my real name as I am not ashamed of it, indeed proud since my father’s name is my middle name.
To prove that I am a human being, I append both my sites (both different) and I could wish that these be appended to this letter, should you so wish.
Best regards,
Peter K. Sharpen
How long do you suppose the contrails formed by the fighters in the picture would persist?…On average.
In the ‘rapidfire’ satellite images you’ve linked to, are there only one image available, per day, per my area? Are there any other satellite images that show more of a ‘time-lapse’ for the entire day?
I think the video quality is just fine……..
Jakeability, I don’t know how long those contrails would last – it depends on the weather conditions at the time. Certainly at least a few minutes judging by their length. Possibly several hours. Contrails then were basically the same as contrails now.
That satelite image was from a one of two satellites (Aqua and Terra, see MODIS) that orbit the earth in low polar orbit (750 km up), photographing the entire globe. So they only take one photo of a region per day (actually they take several in strip as they fly over, and then a single image is stitched together). That’s why the images are so high resolution.
The time lapse photos you see of storms, etc, are from geostationary satellites (GEOS), which are MUCH higher up (35,880 km), which stay fixed over one spot. But because they are so far away, the images are of lower quality. You can see those images, with time lapse, here:
Referring back to the video I had linked to before. Is it even possible to create a ‘viral chemtrail’, in your opinion? In other words, would the viruses be added to the fuel, or sprayed with some type of spraying device? It would seem that the military would have documented their dispersal method somewhere.
Obviously you can spray anything you like out of the back of an aircraft. Doing it in the fuel would not be sensible as it would have to go through the engine, and probably would be destroyed, or mess up the engine. The military have lots of spray planes for things like mosquito spraying, defoliants, and fire suppression. Have a look at this document:
Anytime I begin to suspect “chemtrails” are real, I can come here and find solid evidence that they are only a “red herring” in the ongoing war with the ‘globalist/bilderberger/NWO’ [whatever you prefer to call it]. 9/11 WAS an inside job, “man made global warming” is a hoax, the economic collapse WAS engineered, and vaccines ARE very dangerous. All of these subject matters have bonified, certified, and qualified scientists’, economists’, and doctors’ peer reviewed work, proving these points. Look at the ‘Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ group, consider ALL the pilots who have come out against the notion that ‘barely-trained’ arab pilots could have made the aerial manuevers that were ‘said’ to have been made by the plane that hit the pentagon. Look at Dr.’s Horowitz, Karlie, or Tenpenney’s work on the medical industry and vaccines. But with “chemtrails”…….nothing. No pilots, no air traffic controlers, no military defectors, nada. People i truly respect believe ‘chemtrails’ are an attempt to change the climate, and I completely believe the government is interested in the idea of ‘geo-engineering’, supposedly to save us from global warming [what?]. But if ‘global warming’ is a hoax, what would be the purpose of the geo-engineering? The threat of the government having to take such drastic measures, ‘proves’ the danger of the ‘global warming’ scam, therefore things like carbon taxing seem much more mild, and the populace will concede to these conditions.
Those photos, and videos about the groundlevel contrails in Alaska and the South Pole were exceptional.
One possilble future, or current scenario, could include the delivery of biological weapons, masked by the legitimate, occasional occurence of contrails. I did say “possible”. I have no evidence to suggest this is happening now, but in the biological weapons testing on that island,
[in this video]
what appears to be spraying at low altitude, looks very eerily like a regular contrail.
Your site is a breath of fresh air…so to speak. It is refreshing to come across something that is based on evidence and facts rather than belief. Unfortunately, the minds of the ignorant cannot be changed if they’re already made up (perhaps it stems from a fear of feeling stupid?). Hopefully, those who have not yet made up their minds will find their way here before they do, and either conclude that there is no definitive answer so they keep their minds open and keep collecting facts (from all sides), or decide that the idea of chemtrails is rather ludicrous and abandon the topic and carry on with their lives.
For whatever reason, I keep getting drawn back into the subject. I guess I just am annoyed by ignorance and I want to help others see what they’re missing or overlooking, and it is a frustrating situation, because it’s like a cult or something, and anything you present to them that they don’t want to see or hear just triggers the “DIS-INFORMANT!” alarm out of them. It reminds me of a little child closing his ears and yelling, “I’M NOT LISTENING!” I swear it’s like a religion that is sacrilegious to defy.
Anecdotally, I can remember contrails – persistent and otherwise – back in the 1970s when I was a kid. There weren’t quite so many airplanes around then, and it seems contrails became more frequent or pronounced with the advent of the turbojet engine, but they were there. I was watching the skies because I loved airplanes, and I never once thought anything was wrong.
Anyway, regardless of what anyone believes about “chemtrails”, it seems to me that ANYTHING sprayed at 30,000 feet altitude would dissipate so much before it hit the ground that there would be too little of it to affect anything. And if all that white stuff in the sky actually came out of the airplanes…well, I don’t think there’s an airplane big enough (that could even fly) to carry that much solution.
It amazes me how little people actually know about the atmosphere. I learned a ton just by observing when I was growing up (of course, I wasn’t swayed by any conspiracy theories). A lot of what I came to understand intrinsically was validated (or clarified or corrected) as I learned more about the actual science. It still amazes me that people think the weather on the ground is any indicator about what the weather is like at altitude. Do kids not fly kites anymore? (I used to fly kites at night when it was dead calm on the ground – put the kite up around sunset when the breeze is blowing, and it will stay up for at least a couple hours after dark). Do people ever take trips to the mountains? I guess I was fortunate enough to live in a city where, if you didn’t like the 100+ degree heat in the summer, you could drive for an hour to the top of a nearby mountain where it was 30-35 degrees cooler. It doesn’t take much to extrapolate that it might continue to get colder as you climbed higher…and I knew it was mighty cold in outer space (so I had heard).
Thanks for taking the time to pull all this information together and make it publicly available! People will make up their own minds (if they haven’t already), and I don’t think you can change many, if any, once they’re made up. I see the same behavior in religion and politics. And it’s the ones who yell the loudest and claim to “know the truth” and shout, “dis-information!” who are closed-minded and often misguided. It’s the ones who sit back and quietly present facts and reason and science and all things tangible and verifiable who bring sanity to the mix and establish a baseline that makes it clear who has decided to close their minds and who has not (on whichever side of the fence that is!).
As far as passing various object through the engine of a plane…..wouldn’t viruses or bacterial spores be small enough to pass through uninterupted?
Jakeability. Sure they are small enough, but if they are in the fuel, then they will be in the fuel when it burns at 2000C. Adding pathogens to jet fuel would be a silly way of dispersing them. Far more sensible to just spray it from some other outlet, like the mosquite spraying planes do. Like this
That’s a C-130 spraying over Louisiana, you can see a large image here. I doubt that trail would last long – altough it would be interesting to see what it looked like at regular contrail altitude.
JamesMorlan- “the idea of chemtrails is rather ludicrous”
This is the typical thought processes of people who are unaware of the reality of our current situation.
It’s not ludicrous to accuse a known theif of stealing my lunch money. He’s stolen my lunch money many, many times before. So if I were to simply misplace my lunch money one day, it’s excusable to assume my money was stolen. The people suspected of implementing this “chemtrail” program are devious people, as it turns out, they aren’t ‘stealing my lunch money,….this time.
…its kind of funny…or ironic…or something…if you look closely at the C-130 pic there is what appears to be a contrail far overhead in the distance…
not bad for government work – as they say 🙂
I can’t figure out how to use ‘block quotes’………any help Uncinus.
You just put <blockquote> and </blockquote> around the text you are quoting. You still have to copy in the text yourself. See the two line example below, after “Leave a Reply”. I’ll fix it if you break anything.
Uncinus you sir can cover up and lie all you want you know the truth. Doctors are finding more people getting sick these days. I myself Have been sick around 8 times in 6mths and that is a new record in a 40yr span. So yes I believe in Chemtrails I see them everyday, oh and since when does two planes in the sky do a complete u-turn in the sky to make another pass. I am sure it wasn’t just a bunch of folks on a joy ride.
score, your video seems to show normal contrails. That Alex Jones person also seems to be overly emotional – are you sure he’s not just angling for publicity? He does not actually present any evidence after all, just shouts a lot.
Then explain these things attaching to people coming out of the sky
How do you explain that chemtrails are even mentioned in the house bill 2977 by the government if they aren’t real then wouldn’t they call it contrails. People are not stupid, I hear this all the time On Coast to Coast. Government officials are coming out and exposing the truth and yet people like you are living in denial. These people have nothing to gain and some even have there lives threatened. This is pure evil people that have a evil agenda. The Bilderberg group is true and why tell me why do they or would they put up the Georgia Guidestones that clearly admits what they want. As for Alex Jones he is clearly a man that is exposing the truth and he is pissed off, who in there right mind wouldn’t be pissed off when being lied to. you should read this.
score, I prefer to keep the conversation to contrails and chemtrails if you don’t mind (unless there’s a connection). I’m sure you can find people who will discuss the Georgia Guidestones elsewhere.
For you on-topic points, that’s a video of some snot and lint, nothing suggests it came from a contrail. And 2977 is explained here:
By the way you still didn’t answer me about how two planes flying acoss the sky make a haste u turn and cross the same patch of sky. I witness that 2 years ago out on the water on a fish farm I have never in my 40yrs have seen that kind of behavior in my life. It was hot as hell and they were leaving chemtrails. I have also witness in that same day other planes flying at the same hight leaving just contrails. So how in the world on the same day can two planes have to different affects in the sky when the conditions are the same.
Planes sometimes make u-turns. Specifically on training flights on test flights. You don’t see it very often. Here’s some examples with explanations:
Two reasons: Firstly the planes may have different engines, where one plane makes contrails in warmer conditions that the other plane can. The photo below shows an Airbus A340 (maiden flight: 1991) on the left, leaving contrails, and a Boeing 707 (maiden flight: 1957) not leaving contrails.
Secondly they might actually be 1000 feet apart, say at 31,000 and 32,000 feet, which looks like the same height, but is enough difference to put one air in a region of colder or more humid air.
Well for one if they are doing this to make clouds to help fight global warming they are so stupid because global warming is not caused by us rather it is happening to all the planets in the solar system that is a fact. I just finished watching them spray that crap above my head 5 minutes ago. funny thing jet engines planes don’t fly out of my town anymore they are prop planes. We use to have 737 flying out of our airport but our airport is much to small and the runway should be longer. Growing up as a kid I never once in all the times watching the 737’s flying out seen those trails.
Looking at your last picture with the two planes flying side by side. I have 2 problems with that picture. The planes of today are suppose to be cleaner. So looking at that picture it seems the 707 is a cleaner running plane then the A340. Evidence in its own.
No, Airbus is cleaner. So for one thing, more of the fuel is turned into water, which makes contrails.
I don’t buy that. That would be like me saying hey that car in front of me is puffing blue but heck it must be cleaner. They have been talking about new improved planes that aren’t suppose to leave any trails at all. That to me is clean. I am going to lmao when in fact they do prove you wrong. When they do I hope you sir are man enough to admit to being wrong. then how do you explain this video it shows a true contrail vs chemtrail.
here is even more prof that it is happening.“geo-engineering
I will happily admit whenever I am wrong. That’s what science is all about.
Contrails are made of water. Did you know that? Contrails are basically clouds. Ice clouds actually, like cirrus clouds. Jet exhaust contains water. If you burn a gallon of jet fuel, you get 1.3 gallons of water (yes, that’s more water than the jet fuel you started with, as the hydrogen in the fuel is combining with the oxygen in the air). The water in in jet exhausts is what makes the contrails, and not the other polluting gases. The CLEANER an engine burns, then the MORE WATER is produced. Cleaner engine = more water = more contrail.
The jets are probably at different altitudes, say 30,000 and 34,000 feet. Note the video does not show the other jet, nor can you tell what type of lane they are, or even how high they are. The text reads “The same model jets flew the same flight path using the same extremely steep angle of ascent, arcing over the valley at the same altitude, using the same extremely steep angle of descent, and dropping to a very low altitude. ” But it seems from the video that the jets (and the contrails they leave) are in level flight. It’s an interesting point-that people thing jet that fly over them are flying up and down – it’s an optical illusion – as the plane get further away it gets closer to the horizon, but it’s not actually any lower.
No, it’s not. All the program they list are programs that MEASURE the atmosphere, not modify it.
Do me a favor, that article has links to the various programs that it claims are “geo-engineering”. Go to each of them, and read what they say. Then describe to me what they do, in your own words. If you want, try just this one:
“considering radical terra forming programs” – TRUE.
“universities and government agencies are already doing it” – FALSE
“mass aerosol spraying campaigns have been ongoing” – FALSE
“has held discussions regarding the possibility” – TRUE
“such programs are already being conducted by government-affiliated universities, government agencies, and on a mass scale through chemtrail spraying” – FALSE
“pushing for radical terra forming programs to be explored” – TRUE
“we might get desperate enough to want to use it” – TRUE
“is making climate tinkering the subject of its first workshop” – TRUE
“has also discussed the idea” – TRUE
“it is prudent to consider geoengineering’s potential” – TRUE
“a study of past and ongoing upper atmosphere aerosol programs confirms that the government has been active in this field for years” – STUDYING IT – TRUE
“measuring “cloud simulations” and “aerosol retrievals” – STUDYING IT – TRUE
“transport, transformation, and fate of energy related trace chemicals and particulate matter”- STUDYING IT – TRUE
“aerosol radiative forcing of climate” – is a technical term describing how the combustion of forests, and fuels in industry, and volcanic emissions affect climate.
“scientists are already bombarding the skies with the acid-rain causing pollutant sulphur dioxide” – FALSE
“disperse sulphur dioxide in an attempt to reflect sunlight was discussed” – TRUE
“promoted the idea of injecting the atmosphere with aerosols” – TRUE
“Dispersing around 1m tonnes of sulphur dioxide per year across 10m square kilometres of the atmosphere would be enough to reflect away sufficient amounts of sunlight” – NOT TRUE.
“who last year began conducting studies” – TRUE
“what is likely to be a gargantuan and overarching black-budget funded project to geo-engineer the planet” – NOT TRUE
“geo-engineering could cause “conflicts between nations if geoengineering projects go wrong”.” – TRUE
“Many have speculated that they are part of a government program” – TRUE
“In conducting Google searches, one finds discussion” – TRUE
“KSLA news investigation found that a substance that fell to earth from a high altitude chemtrail contained high levels of Barium (6.8 ppm) and Lead (8.2 ppm) as well as trace amounts of other chemicals including arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium and silver. Of these, all but one are metals, some are toxic while several are rarely or never found in nature.” – ALL FALSE, AND ALL DEBUNKED HERE.
“Many have speculated that they are part of a government program to alter climate”
Yes, they have, haven’t they? And they (and you) all share a common trait: not understanding science or the work of scientists AT ALL. If they did they(and you) would see that ARM is equipped only for measuring what’s to be found in the sky.
Let me pose you a simple question. If they are ALREADY “doing it”, then why are they also SPECULATING about “doing it”?
Surely it must be ONE, or the OTHER?
And that was a miserable article. Which is quite typical…
well funny thing yesterday there was all kinds of air traffic leaving those chemtrail when the sky was clear and the temp was 70F today its clear and I don’t see one plane flying in the sky pretty weird if you ask me. I thought air traffic control was always busy. Oh its all passenger planes or cargo planes, Right like I believe that. You sure seem to have your minds made up about contrails. Even though In Europe the government admits to testing spray. You seem to say I have no prof yet there are pictures on the internet with old passenger planes being used to spray replacing passenger seats with canisters, oh or is that just trick photography. Pictures say alot and yet you deny they are real. This guy on this video makes more sense then you do.
It’s hard to spot planes at 30,000 feet when they don’t leave contrails. Contrails depend on the weather.
The cannisters you mention are barrels of water used in test planes for weight and balance tests. The barrels of water simulate passengers in various configurations. Like
See the original photo at:
Then how do you explain that he start out saying that contrails always fade away quickly? That’s totally contrary to all the research contrails done over the last 90 years. Even in 1921 they knew contails could last for a long time, and spread out until they looked like clouds. Like in this account:
How do you reconcile what is being said in the video with this account from 1921? (not to mention the thousands of accounts, books and scientific papers since?)
I’ve told you multiple times that these planes are at or below 12K. Come on up to PDX Mr. Scientist and have a look for yourself. If you truly believe they are just good old fashioned contrails then hey… least you looked. The idiotic denial on this planet is a curse. If you believe your government hasn’t or currently isn’t spraying it’s population then you are a fool….I repeat, …..a fool.
And we’re not in a recession nor are we insolvent and on the verge of hyperinflation. Your government loves you! Now STFU
Oh and admittedly spraying sulfur dioxide on the people is a crime against humanity. You do know the effects of sulfur dioxide and barium salts on the human body right? But that’s just cloud seeding…….
And how did you measure this? Can you provide any photographic or video evidence of this low altitude?
Sulfur dioxide is a pollutant created by volcanoes and industry. It causes acid rain. Nobody uses this for cloud seeding that I’m aware of. Perhaps you could give a link?
Barrels of water? In various configurations? There is nothing various about that photo. That plane is setup for one reason and one reason only….Weight and Balance tests? Thats sure is an awful lot of equipment and piping in there just for a measly weight and balance test using barrels of water. hmmmm
The piping is to move the water between barrels. See:,M1
Uncinus, I have to applaud your incredible patience and endurance of the challenges to your presentations. Unfortunatly, all too often fanatics find facts to suit thier theories, to the exclusion of all reason.
To all you believers in chemtrails, and thier attendant effects and conspiracies, I wish you would at least use the logic part of your brain to balance and judge the possibility based on facts from BOTH sides, as any true, intelligent human being should do, and not bias your opinion based on your fears.
Yes, I agree the governments have, in the past and currently, done some seriously stupid things to our planet and people, yet every one of the stupid things they have done, were done by one particular group in the gov’t, in each case. This means that the FDA decided to allow improperly tested drugs into the populace, the military tested their new nukes on test subjects, the banking concerns did thier own blackmail of the gov’t to pass unfair laws, etc. ,etc. When any power-hungry person gets into a position of power, horrible results occur to others. Remember McCarthy?
The price of freedom does not mean fearfully attributing every event that risks lives to a shadowy overworld organization, it means using you resources and questioning everything you are told to get a proper, unbiased as possible, viewpoint.
Chemtrails are real, in that aircraft at certain altitudes, at certain times of the day, in certain atmospheric conditions, will leave white vapour lines that hang in the air and act in many ways like normal cloud material. They do contain trace particles of matter other than water, in the same proportions and ratios as normal clouds, or exhaust from propane engines. If any government agency was continuously bombarding their country with dangerous chemicals, somehow mixed into the jet fuel of all these thousands of aircraft, every day, they would be also dropping the stuff on their own heads!
Occam’s Razor always applies, else we would still be believing in the gods of Olympus playing with our lives, or burning witches in our backyards.
For my last question: How many of you ‘believers’ in these chemtrails smoke? Ever read the details on a pack of cigarettes? There is a hellova lot more to kill you in the smoke from one of those coffin nails, than could be had from an aircraft exhaust! Maybe your energy should be focused more on that conspiracy, as it has been proven to be a real coverup. Again, get all the facts, not just the ones that suit your personal theory.
who said”dont trust your mind,trust a photo”? what a giant dick-snap.
i like clouds too tho.
Thanks for putting this together. Assholes love to get people afraid by such little harmless things that happen everyday. I feel relieved now from these “chemtrails”. By the way I’m into researching hoaxes and debunking common myths.
I have been reading some of the reasons here, so here is a question:
1. Why on a perfectly normal day do some planes leave contrails and others leave chemtrails?
I at first thought that altitude had something to do with this however it appears low and high flying planes (relatively speaking) will leave both con and chemtrails.
Either way – suspicious indeed.
I assume by “chemtrails” you mean persistent contrails, and not crop dusting, or sky writing, etc.
There are a number of reasons why some planes leave short contrails, and some leave long, persistent, contrails on the same “normal” day. The most likely is that they are at different altitudes. Sometimes higher planes will leave the longer trails, sometimes it’s the lower planes, sometimes there can be a patchwork. It depends on the weather.
It also depend on on the plane, different planes have different engines, and so produce different contrails. See #9 at this link for a photo illustrating this:
Why on a perfectly normal day do some planes leave contrails and others leave chemtrails?
Planes never leave chemtrails. You mean “Why on a perfectly normal day do some planes leave temporary contrails and others leave persistent contrails”.
The reason is that the stratosphere is generally transparent even though around 17% of it is completely saturated with invisible water vapor. So, up there, you have no idea what “normal” really is (although traces of cirrus ice clouds may provide you with a clue).
I at first thought that altitude had something to do with this however it appears low and high flying planes (relatively speaking) will leave both con and chemtrails. Either way – suspicious indeed.
No more suspicious than the way sticks “bend” when dipped in water. (They’re passing into a medium with a refractive index different from air).
What’s suspicious is your tendency to freely attribute what you don’t understand to a mythical attempt to poison people. Why don’t you educate yourself in the properties of the Earth’s atmosphere first?
May I ask what, in your opinion, contrails are allowed to do on an abnormal day?
Cloak the invading reptilian alien motherships.
I’m not kidding. I saw that on another forum. With several affirmations from others.
(oops. Wrong quote. Happens whenever I’m called on to use code.)
Cloak the invading reptilian alien motherships.
I’m not kidding. I saw that on another forum. With several affirmations from others.
The mass and balance is very important for calculating aircraft performance.
If the center of gravity is too far aft, the aircraft will be unstable and a tail strike might occur. If the center of gravity is too far forward the aircraft is too stable and uses too much fuel.
So it is very important that CG limits are known for each type of aircraft.
More douchebaggery by the tools that run this site I see. Any Freethinking person that is aware of his surroundings can easily detect when they are being sprayed by an aircraft that around 10,000ft. It is not rocket science and it is happening around the globe.
AssinUs- I supposed that when the ambient temp is at 98F and a formation of 3 planes at 10.2K traveling just above stall speed would naturally emit huge plumes of particulate that spread out to make a perfectly clear day a complete hazy clusterfuck!
How exactly are you detecting the altitude of the Aircraft? I find it quite hard to do, especially if you don’t know the wingspan of the plane, which can vary by considerable factors.
You are purposely ignoring scientific studies, photographic evidence and common sense, that is as closed minded as it gets. An open minded person would look at all the factors and decide which one is more logical. Freethinking doesn’t have anything to do with this, you are the closed minded person in this debate.
By the way how can a person “easily detect when they are being sprayed by an aircraft that is around 10,000ft”? Do you feel it on your skin? Do you inhale it? Does it have a smell or a taste? Please, do elaborate on your evidence.
1. Ground temperatures have nothing to do with temperatures in the atmosphere. This is one of the first real misconceptions of the chemtrail theory.
2. Temperatures in the atmosphere go down as you move upward. Follow this link and enter the closest city to where you live, that will tell you the temperatures at different altitudes.
3. You claim that airplanes flying at 10,000ft are “spraying” you. Please tell us which methods were used to determine altitude.
4. You claim that the airplanes mentioned above are flying “just above stall speed”, please tell us which methods were used to determine their speed.
5. Most airplanes that leave persistent contrails are in the 30,000ft range.
There’s no reason to get upset over this. If you look at the scientific side of this with an open mind, you’ll soon realize realize that you can breathe a sigh of clean fresh relief.
Have a good day!
I heard that the HISTORY Channel has a show called, Thats Impossible. And the newest episode is called Weather Warfare. I heard they discuss Chemtrails and HAARP and say that they are being used in coordination with eachother. I don’t have Cable, but has anyone seen it? Playing this week 7/22/09
Use your scroll wheel and go up, I’ve explained it all before. Suntour, I’ve looked at all angles 1,000’s of times. The last thing I want to believe is that their are bastards playing God with the atmosphere. To deny that they have been terra-forming, cloud seeding and testing weather weapons is a complete joke. IT’S ADMITTED BY THE BASTARDS!
There is EVERY reason to be upset by planes spraying you with who the hell knows what! And I can guarantee you that NO real CONTRAIL(which I have seen 1,000’s of times and know actually exist) disperses at 10K AND LASTS AN ENTIRE DAY, WITH TAILS WISPING TO THE GROUND.
It’s always the same lame assed arguments from you braindead punks. You are obviously not in tune with your environments and suffer from memory loss. Anyone who applies the scientific method to intensive aerosol campaigns will quickly find there is only ONE logical explanation.
Well, let’s apply that scientific method. For a start, what evidence do you have that the planes you saw were leaving trails at 10,000 feet?
Have you ever thought about this? Maybe you aren’t 100% correct and maybe the Chemtrail believers aren’t 100% correct..
Contrails can persist like chemtrails do, but how do you know that what a lot of people claim to be seeing, chemtrails, how do you know it is the government testing weather weapons?
How do you know for sure that they are all contrails? How can you be so certain that the government hasn’t been testing its weather weapons over the US?
I think it is possible that the people are seeing a combination of contrails and chemtrails?
If people are seeing a combination of contrails and chemtrails, then that’s basically saying they look and act exactly alike. So in that case, why would you suspect that some of them are “chemtrails”?
I don’t think I’m 100% correct in anything. But you’ve got to go by the evidence. Is there any evidence that some trails are deliberate “chemtrails”
Perhaps you guys need the baloney test. What am I saying? Perhaps?
Is there some evidence that they aren’t chemtrails? No one has done a legit test to satisfy what some people believe to be deliberate…
Sounds like that History Channel show states they are testing weapons and using chemtrails to bounce HAARP waves off of them, or something to that effect.
I also heard Prince talking about Chemtrails on the Tavis Smiley Show. You should divert some of the effort you put into monitoring this site to getting some SERIOUS unbiased studies done on proving the debate once and for all..
The History Channel simply repeated the theories, just like their shows on UFOs repeated UFO theories. They “stated” nothing.
nice response..
Jazz Roc-
That Michael Shermer video is cool, I really liked it. I still think there needs to be a legit study. Many people are claiming to see something that they feel is out of the ordinary. People are talking so much about this that it is beginning to show up on TV talk shows, Histroy Channel shows (Mainstream). It seems like it would be an easy topic to proove or dis proove with a few simple public studies..
Uncinus, use some of your pull to make this happen so the debate can be put to rest?
Excellent video JazzRoc, I’ve added it to the links.
Citizen, how exactly could you go about disproving the chemtrail theory? And what would you base the necessity of this study on?
And I’m not sure what you mean by my “pull”, I’m just some guy with a blog, and I think the fact speak for themselves.
I’m glad you like the Shermer thing. I welcome something other than opposition…
Something similar was taught to me in 1955 when I was a first-former studying science for the first time at King George V Grammar School, Southport (Lancashire, England).
It was the FIRST thing I learned about science, because all science is derived from physical evidence and reasoned logic.
Can you give me the reasons why you think the research paper “Contrails to Cirrus” in the LINKS on this site isn’t (for instance) a “legit study”? (Or, of course, the many hundreds more that can be obtained through the Web – if you exclude “chemtrails” from your search terms?) The technical terminology may be hard to comprehend, but with patience it is possible to “boil it down” into laymens’ terms.
If you cannot live with anyone’s research papers and wish to set up a controlled and “blind” experiment, then my take on it is that it’s difficult and expensive to do, but not impossible.
Of course, my belief is that it wouldn’t be too satisfactory for you personally, as you’d find out what I’ve been telling you all along (“chemtrails” are contrails), and you would find you had joined me in the band of “paid government agents”, “shills”, “debunkers”, etc.
So, what about “Contrails to Cirrus”?
I would love to think that the people who are running this website are doing so because they truly believe the rest of us who think that chemtrails are a real phenomena are deluded – and they are frustrated to be surrounded by so many deluded people.
However, there is the possibility that the people behind this website are part of a disinformation effort.
Since I can’t know, I’ll post here tonight with the hope that it is the first possibility.
I don’t like delusions either. Which is why its so important to me to understand what chemtrails truly are, and what they are not. I am deeply interested in this, and I want the truth — not bullshit from either side.
I have seen too much — far too many anomalies in the sky — and I have read enough about weather modification and the potential uses for various aerosol spray programs, to just write this off as paranoid conspiracy theory.
Yes, there are many delusional and paranoid people who talk about chemtrails along with every other kind of conspiracy theory. But that IS NOT everyone — that is not all of us. There are many of us who just noticed, on our own, that something was very different in the sky.
I have been noticing it for many years. And all the explanations given by the authorities do not satisfy me.
It seems far more likely that there are covert military operations taking place that are . . . well, covert! They just don’t want to tell us about it, and they don’t have to, since most people are rather unobservant and also they don’t really give a shit what is being done to the world around them.
I’ve witnessed more than just the standard chemtrail spraying — or what looks like the spraying of some kind of aerosol in perfect grids — I’ve witnessed all sorts of attendant phenomena including airplanes literally disappearing in the middle of the sky, and one entire day of spraying in North Carolina where planes layered into ONE spot in the sky, all day long, until they actually created a storm. I documented this with photographs, and while I did so, I had the most terrible chemical taste in my mouth. I had to keep sucking on cough drops to deal with the awful taste.
I am not the only one who has seen these things, and also tasted the chemicals after standing all day under these supposedly normal water vapor trails.
No . . . there is nothing that can convince me now that this is all normal, no matter how much I would like to believe it — and despite what you may think, I DO want to believe it. This whole thing is just hideously depressing, and I wish it would end. But years go by, and it does not end.
So, you can abuse people like me verbally all you want, and treat me like a fool, as you do on this website, but if you ACTUALLY are good people who want to educate others, try having a real dialogue instead of being insulting and rude. There are a lot of people out there who just want answers.
My final post for the night . . .
I do want to say that your (the folks who run this site) blanket dismissal of ALL possibility of current and existing weather modification or directed energy programs, is really questionable.
First of all — how do you know? Are you high level military officials? Are you certain that none of the projects described, for instance, in Weather as a Force Multiplier, are not actually in use today?
Do you understand in detail every possible use of aerosol sprays with conductive properties, and are you certain they are not being applied for military purposes now?
Is it not possible that chemtrails look very much like contrails, and that both exist?
This is my problem with your website. While I would love to believe that I’ve just been delusional all these years, just having someone give across-the-board dismissal of every possible military application really makes me suspicious, either of your reasoning, or of your motives.
Nobody is dismissing anything. They are simply finding the evidence lacking.
No, that isn’t true. In many places on this website I’ve read blanket dismissals of the possibility of present day military aerosol spray programs — and how can you find the evidence lacking when there is documentation within the military of the many uses of aerosols for weather modification and communications programs?
The military says their documents are theory and not currently in practice, but I can’t see any reason to believe that. Military programs and experiments are routinely hidden, not exposed to the public.
I don’t believe, at the moment, that chemtrails have anything to do with poisoning people with intent to kill off parts of the population, that sounds like a bullshit paranoid theory to me. But if there are any components of aerosol spray that might hurt people — collateral damage, I guess — I also don’t expect the military to give much of a shit about it either.
If they were willing to release radioactive components into the air in the Southwest and secretly conduct other publicly harmful experiments, I doubt their morality has increased all that much.