This news report is from 1980.
It’s based on this research paper:
(Searchable/Copyable OCR version here)
It’s interesting because it shows that back in 1980 people were noticing contrails persisting and spreading to cover the whole sky. At that point, people had even noticed it contributed to increased cloudiness.
This is a useful video to show anyone who thinks that this is a recent phenomenon. For more details, the research paper also makes it very clear that contrails in 1980 were just the same as contrails in the present day.
Clouded Judgment: Do Jet Contrails Increase Cloud Cover?
On clear days, you can often see long white lines being traced high in the sky. They are contrails of jet aircraft. They’re actually long, slender clouds. Other men are finding them especially fascinating because the theory is being developed that those long, white lines may be changing our weather for the better. Details from Roger O’Neil.
ROGER O’NEIL, reporting:
The exhaust from jet engines, usually seen as long, thin trails of white clouds behind high-flying jet airplanes, may be a big reason why there are 30 fewer days of sunshine a year in the Midwest now than there were in 1900. The daily range between high and low temperatures has also narrowed. Weather researchers, studying cloud cover in 10 Midwestern states, found a sharp increase in cloudiness with the increase in commercial jet travel, particularly in the main East-West jet corridor, there were even more clouds. A jet produces a contrail or cloud because its exhaust consists primarily of water vapor.
RICHARD SEMONIN (Illinois Institute of Natural Resources): In the absence of natural clouds, given the correct atmospheric condition, jet aircraft in high frequency can almost completely cover the atmosphere, visible atmosphere, with clouds.
O’NEIL: Semonin says, unlike most changes in the atmosphere caused by man, this one is beneficial. Clouds help farmers in the Midwest by blocking the sun. Temperature extremes can damage plants and speed up the evaporation of soil moisture. In the Winter, city people benefit because clouds act as a blanket, preventing warm air from escaping into the atmosphere. No one is trying to make clouds now using jet engines, but this study suggests that jet travel is inadvertently making our days more cloudy and some day, weather researchers may be able to use jets on purpose to change our weather. Roger O’Neil, NBC News, Champaign, Illinois.
The paper and TV coverage was also accompanied by some press coverage, such as this piece from the Washington Post, reprinted in The Gazette, of Eastern Iowa, Vol 98, Number 352, Friday Dec 26, 1980:
Very interesting that this trend of contrails affecting the cloudiness has been observed since 1952.
Interestingly there was a similar report in 1998, with Brian Williams. NBC Evening News, Jul 27, 1998. I’d love to see the video of that.
Here’s another from 2006;lst;4
Strong argument against that “1997” claim. I’m just afraid that chemtrail proponents will cherry-pick the last sentence of the commenter …
too bad they didn’t actually film any persistent contrails…but still a good bit of “evidence” to the contrary meme…
but of course, it is the “MSM” and subject to the PTB…and could be hologrammed/photshopped/timetraveled back to rig the propaganda…
just sayin 🙂
Wow, this is a really big find.
Yes, I was pleasantly surprised to find it. More and more stuff is coming online all the time. So it’s always worth doing new searches every year or so.
This is a very useful tool in debunking the “they didn’t used to do that” aspect of chemtrails. Spread it around.
It’s good in part because it’s nearly impossible for even the most ardent conspiracist to claim it’s a fake. Roger O’Neill still works at NBC 31 years later,
And there are people who actually remember watching this broadcast.
Ya this is a neat find. I will say that I would be leary about stating that persistent contrails/man made clouds are 100% beneficial. I am an environmental scientist and in my experience, any man made change to are environment (deliberate or not) has had very few long term benefits.
This site is funny for me because I know that contrails are just water vapour frozen. However each contrail does represent a huge amount of CO2 emmisisions which I am completely against. So while I know the goverment isn’t secretly spraying us, I do agree with chemtrail people in that it would be nice to see less of them (well just less jetliners – contrails are really the only way to see them up there).
Nobody has tried to say that trails are benign, just that they are not secret government actions to sterilize/kill/hide planet Nbiru/disguise aliens (pick current theory).
The TV report and newspaper article does actually say that it may be beneficial – but purely in a financial manner. With less crop damage, and reduced energy usage.
Perspectives were a bit different in 1980. CO2 emissions were not such an important issue then.
This obviously (like all mainstream news) is a bought and paid for BS new report, using the talk of ‘contrails’ to cover up the actions of geoengineering. I want facts! Not a news report. My own eyes can see the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. And the ones leaving chemtrails are not commercial jets, so what the hell are they doing up there besides wrecking the skys for all astronomers? Oh that’s right, they are dropping Aluminum, Barium and Strontium. I forgot. They are poisoning us. But hey, thanks for trying to debunk something so catastrophic! You better be one THOUSAND percent right! OR ALL OF THIS IS ON YOU!
There must be something better you could do with your time, rather than helping people who are scared and angry about chemtrails, when your not exactly sure if they should be or not…?
What is the difference between a chemtrail and a persistent contrail?
Just proves they used the modeling of contrails to manipulate the weather with longer more persistent contrails , Yes this is a good find Jay . I saw it on Aircrap just a few days ago .
That’s your spin on it based on your world view.
What it shows is that these trails have been in the sky a lot longer than claimed by the chemtrail advocates.
“used the modeling”?!
Gimme a break…
By the way..”aircrap” is a effect name for that site..
the Facebook Chemtrails Global Skywatch Group is attempting to discredit this video as a fake. I don’t know whether that group allows any dissent.
Probably not, Russ Tanner is pretty deep down the rabbit hole
It’s rather interesting that they think it’s fake though. That implies that if it’s actually true, then they think their theory must be wrong.
Maybe Gregorca can explain what they are claiming, “no artifacts”, “too good”?
They certainly haven’t explained any justification for makng that claim.
It’s incorrect too, there are video artifacts, at 00:16 there’s a wave. There’s a line flicker at 00:36, the map at 00:47 is wavy and ghosting, 01:06 line flicker, and numerous other small waves and flickers.
It’s ludicrous to suggest it’s fake. I’ve had people tell me they remember seeing the original.
Just for the record, here’s Russ’s take on my web sites:
I’ve looked up the last link above ( According to Russ, modern clouds are also different than they were in his childhood. This inevitably means that not only a great number of old photos and movies, but also many old painting have been altered, to insert the images of ‘new world order’ clouds. It is a very deep rabbit hole indeed.
Yes- Russ (mmem701 on youtube) is on the fringe even for Believers- he claims ANY contrail – persisting or otherwise is a “chemtrail”- He claims an actual contrail is extremely rare…
Show any video of a plane leaving contrail and he will claim its fake. Any evidence contrary to his belief is “fake”.
Thats a deep hole.
if the chemtrailers are right, there is an absolutely huge conspiracy going on, with “spooks” running round the whole world changing pictures in old books, faking old tv news programs and so on, to cover it all up ….
so most people who aren’t even interested in all this won’t ever go to the local library to find an old book to see if there are pictures of persistent com trails, but the few chemtrailers who do, will find the books have already been changed !!!
wow – if indeed such a huge and well funded, well organised conspiracy is going on, there’s obviously nothing anyone can do about it, might as well just get on with your life … or maybe do something about the real shit that is going on around us …
You realize that the geo-engineers have actually admitted openly to spraying 10-20 mega tons of aluminum particulates in to the skys in the form of chemtrails, supposedly to defend the earth from radiation from the sun.. (watch the movie “what in the world are they spraying) obviously its just an excuse to poison the public. Just like the chemicals in the tap water, the poison in the commercial food, the poisons in the vaccines and medicine. You have to be dumb to not realize that they are poisoning the public on purpose. it’s a part of their plan to depopulate the world because lets face it there are too many useless people creating too much pollution. Get over your denial and do something about it, or die with your ignorance.
Got evidence?
the film “What in the world are they spraying?” is not a good source for evidence. They got a lot of things wrong, quotes were presented out of context and contradicting facts were omitted.
See the article here:
Even if their findings about Aluminum and other metals were correct (which they are not), why link them to planes six miles up where exchange between atmospheric layers is minimal? Why not include possible sources on the ground?
So “me”… Why is the population increasing then?
Can you produce the actual “admission” that geo-engineers have sprayed 10-20 mega tons of aluminum particulates in to the skys in the form of chemtrails?
A link to a video or a document would be sufficient.
This could be the breakthrough we have all been waiting for!