The Olgacom Scandal Explained: the connection of New World Order, China, Chemtrails & Big Business
I made a video to explain. Please send this to all who are ready to know.
Can there be a connection?
Sinochem employees kidnapped in Colombia.
We know that Sinochem Group responsible for global geoengineering projects has big investments in Colombia with oil industry. Last week Sinochem employees were kidnapped there. Maybe they found out what is going on? They always blame farc, it is too easy. I don’t believe it.
Also Willen-Alexander does project there with ‘water management’ for Agenda 21, a conspiracy to facilitate waste dumping for the Dutch chemical companies:
Threat email from Olgacom employee
Today I get this email from an address. They know that I can publish this email, it shows that they do not care because nobody can get to them anyway. They are not in Poland only but on several countries, most in Asia. We need more people to sign the petition so that I can go to Polish parlement and ask them about this. You can sign here:
Miss Wacek, I want to remind you that you signed a confidentiality agreement. We are currently monitoring your online behavior and recommend you to no longer engage in these activities. Think of your friends.
Kind Regards,
R. Vanderbilt
I checked the IP address of the sender and it is from Internet company in Denmark, same as the Olgacom website.
I did indeed sign condfidentiality agreement, but I feel that people need to know truth instead of keeping mouth shut. I keep a copy of this, I photograph so you can see it:
I will not stop getting you the information to make up your mind and help stop this global attack on our health. I have taken some documents when I left Olgacom, and will publish them, may be even to Wikileaks if they want.
More update on China Olgacom Project in Poland
found this picture on chinese new site from November 2010 of their ‘good-will visit’ to poland. Something is going on here I know Patryk Tretyakow from the Olgacom has met with this senate man in september 2010, right before. why is nobody seeing these connection??
Sign My Petition Here
- Polish company Olgacom is destroying this world and the people living here. they do geo engineering in Poland and Vietnam and maybe more countries.